Archives for January 2006

It never ceases to amaze me…

I'm always amazed at the kindness of others.  Being kind myself isn't always that difficult.  Well, sometimes it is.  But other times it just comes naturally out of the JESUS that lives within me. 

It's when others go out of their way to help me that I get to experience Christ.  These are the times I'm not in control, when I'm receiving, when I get blessed.

Michelle has been “Jesus with feet” to me as she has helped me tweek my webblog (yes, Nancy) and get some of the glitches out.  Thanks, Michelle for taking the time to be a blessing to me.


Really Exciting

    Did anyone see 20/20's STUPID IN AMERICA….How We Cheat Our Kids tonight???  It was all about how our public school system is failing our kids!  Yea ABC for showing something worthwhile while NBC was showing that HORRIBLE show The Book of Daniel.  Shame on you NBC!!!!!

Still sick and Crooked Ponytails

I hate it when I finish an entire blog and then hit a button that erases it.  UGH.

Well, we're on Day 5 of The Funk.  May I just go on record as saying I'm tired of feeling sick?

And in an attempt to make myself feel like a human again I submitted to my Taco Bell craving and took “babygirl” with me to eat tonight.  And, no, I didn't feed her that junk.  We then went by my massage therapist office for a spin on the Chi Machine and a sit in the Infra Red Sauna in the attempt to rid my body of the toxins that are making me sick as well as get rid of that Taco Bell I just ate.  Then we came home to an empty home since the boys are all at Narnia again with their dad.  So I took a couple snapshots of today's hairdo called Crooked Ponytails.  They were just too cute to fix.

And I wanted to show you my favorite part of Danielle's room right now…..the top shelf of the book case.  I'm not sure why I like it as much as I do but it makes me feel happy inside.

Have a good weekend.
Isaiah 30:15….”in repentance and rest is your salvation.  is quietness and trust is your strength…”

Please pray

Many of you know I have John Piper's website listed on my sidebar.  It's SO wonderful.  I just read this today:

Answers to TAG and a Waiting Place

First….this thing I thought was a virus is still here.  Queezy, wanna throw up, but don't… cravings…..and smells drive me nuts!  Does this sound familiar?  Did I mention my husband's had a vasectomy.  We're in the Waiting Place.  Too early to tell.

Now, for my TAG answers…..

1.  What's the one question you want to ask God when you get to heaven?  If he hasn't already said….”Did I do good daddy?”
2.  What the one question you think Jesus would ask you were He still here in bodily form?  Julie, do you Love me?
3.  What do you think heaven will be like?  Lots of awesome singing, lots of time with my Jesus, getting to say I love you to my two children that are already there, lots of wonderful, precious, joyful tears.
4.  Do you have a desire to be there now or a desire to stay here until the work if finished?  Call me nuts but I'm ready whenever He calls.  Heaven sounds a lot better than this place.  I hate the pain we cause one another.  I don't want children to suffer at the hands of adults.  I hate child abuse.  I think He's made a color just for me……I wonder what it is.

4 People I want to JOIN ME (in the tag and in heaven)

So I'll let you know if anything develops from the nausea.  Until then…..
Julie who wants to puke all the time now

Why I Homeschool

Two blogs in one day.  Yes I'm sick and in the bed.  And I just CAN NOT watch Little House on the PrairIe.  Talk about being sick to my stomach.  SEE jen's post

Okay, so I just realized there's a contest and I might need to write something because I love free stuff and never get any of it so here goes.  (Be kind)


1. Because everyone in our family thinks we're nuts and ruining our kids.
2. Because my crazy neighbors across the street did it.
3. Because I will not buy the same tennis shoes little Johnny has on.
4. Because after choosing to have 4 kids and then not to immunize we figured this would drive our parents COMPLETELY nuts.
5. Because we get really dumb questions like “Aren't you scared homeBOUNDING will ruin them socially?”
6. We needed just ONE MORE thing to do with 4 kids under the age of five.
7. Well, you see, I'm so organized and proficient at EVERYTHING I figured I better do this too.
8. I have a college education and have to do something with it or my old professors would just DIE!
9. No one really knows how horrible my children can act on a really bad day….No Principle's office for this family!!
10. So I can drive myself nuts choosing a curriculum each year.

(drum roll please)
(okay, this one couldn't be funny.)
#1 It's what God has written on our hearts for our children.
(although all the others are true except for #7 and #9)

We just needed some humor in all this contesting!!!  NOW GO AND VOTE OR WHATEVER IT IS WE DO TO NOMINATE SOMEONE…..JUST CLICK HERE
(submissions are due to: by 6:00 PM (PST) on January 16th. It will be greatly appreciated if the submissions come in earlier. Please send the following information:

Title of Post
URL of Post
Name of Blog
URL of Blog
Brief summary of the post

Love you all,

Loving the Unlovely

Today at church a friend told me that my neighbor had been to the earlier service.
“My neighbor?  Which one?”
“Oh, that one across the street I don't particularly like.  That neighbor? “
“Oh, you mean the one I'VE lived across the street from for 5 years and never invited to church?”

Yes, it was that neighbor.

So here's my conversation with God after church today as I'm cleaning up the van.
Julie:  “Loving the unlovely…..hmm.
            God, why do you call us to love the unlovely? “
God:  “Well, Julie, you were once unlovely.”
Julie:  “I was?”  (I kinda think a little highly of myself, don't             you think?)
God:  “Yes, before I sent Jesus.  And…I loved you anyway.                  That's why I sent him.”
Julie:  “So, you call me to love the unlovely because it makes                 me more like Him?”
God:  “Yes.  And because you were once that way too.
Julie:  “Oh….I get it.  You're not asking me to do anything you                 haven't already done.”
God:  “Yes.”

I know I sometimes think of myself as unloveable but unlovely?  I also know I sometimes think too highly of myself.  But now the playing field has been leveled.  I too have been shown I was once unlovely.  We all were.

“Thank you God.

Dare to be Different

I'm so glad I'm a part of a community ( that dares to be different.  It's wonderful to read other homeschool mom's blogs and hear their struggles with following God's call for their lives, their children and their marriages when the world shouts at us to be just like everyone else.

I was inspired by Janne's post and Amber's post
when I read them today, identifying with Janne's decisions and struggles and knowing I've been in Amber's place defending homeschooling.

So here is my version of I'm different!!!
(and proud of it, at least most times)

“Yes, I homeschool, thank you very much.
(and I'll only tell you guys…yes I struggle sometimes too)
No, I didn't immunize my kids, didn't you?  Why are you worried about your kids, then?
Yes, I try vitamins and chiropractic before running to the pediatrician.  And all those pills I'm swallowing are helping…they are not medication, they are vitamins.
Yes, I love naps (taking them as often as possible to build my adrenals back up) and am learning I don't have to be supermom even if you think I do.
Yes, my husband works from our home and we're changing our children's lives by the blessing of two parents at home.
Yes, I'd like to get rid of all the televisions in our house.
Yes, I love chocolate and don't feel bad about eating it.
And if I weigh a little more than I did 15 years ago, who cares!  As long as I'm healthy and my husband wants to crawl in bed with me at night, I'M GOOD.


(How about you?)

I love my kids but…

I do, I love my kids……
Sometimes, agh!!!

I was at Stuffmart at 6pm on Christmas Eve shutting the place down because my oldest son was desperate for a pet.  He'd decided on a fish (because his mom wouldn't allow anything else).  The poor staff at Stuffmart are shuffling people out of the store as fast as they can to get home for Christmas Eve and I'm literally fishing in the pet section trying to find the perfect pet for my son.  I figured I'd just write the price down and tell the person up front.  I hated to bother anyone and I couldn't find a sole to help with the fish.  The assistant manager walked by and was about as clueless as I was.  But together we fish out “Goldie” to bring home and proudly display in a fish bowl.
So what do I find my son doing today?  He's up on the counter scooping out the fish and putting it back into the bowl.  So like any level headed mom I promptly lose my mind.  “What are you doing?” 
Innocent eyes look up.  “What?”
Come to find out he's been taking the fish for a “walk” several times a day.  And I wonder why the things go belly up just a few days after we bring them home. 
I thought I was the worse fish keeper in the world!
Seems I've had a little help!
