Really Exciting

    Did anyone see 20/20's STUPID IN AMERICA….How We Cheat Our Kids tonight???  It was all about how our public school system is failing our kids!  Yea ABC for showing something worthwhile while NBC was showing that HORRIBLE show The Book of Daniel.  Shame on you NBC!!!!!


  1. We made sure to make time to watch that tonight. It was an eye opener.


  2. Mamishelle says:

    Hi, thanks for your comments. They really helped. Im sorry you still dont feel good. Neither do I. I dont have insurance either, so no doctor for me. I have to find ways to make myself better. Have not found a way yet. Whatever I have is settling in my chest making it hard to breathe. Not good for someone with athsma. But Miles is having fun. Mom is to sick to run after him so that means nothing is ” dont touch” anymore. My house is a disaster area. I hope you start to feel better soon. I have not watched the first run of Book Of Daniel but have it recorded. Heard some not good things about it. Should I watch it or erase it. What do you think. Talk more later. Need Sleep. Take Care and God Bless.

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