It never ceases to amaze me…

I'm always amazed at the kindness of others.  Being kind myself isn't always that difficult.  Well, sometimes it is.  But other times it just comes naturally out of the JESUS that lives within me. 

It's when others go out of their way to help me that I get to experience Christ.  These are the times I'm not in control, when I'm receiving, when I get blessed.

Michelle has been “Jesus with feet” to me as she has helped me tweek my webblog (yes, Nancy) and get some of the glitches out.  Thanks, Michelle for taking the time to be a blessing to me.



  1. You want your blog to reflect something about you. It’s like picking clothes. I am extremely eclectic in my style. It’s one of the first things people notice about me, outwardly. I always respond by saying because God made me eclectic on the inside! And just for the record, I think Nancy’s blog style DOES reflect something about her. It’s one of the things I really liked when I first began reading it.

    Ok, now to the meat. If you would like help, go to Julie helped me with the initial formatting and then, believe it or not, I started studying the codes on my own. She helped me tweak some things I couldn’t get on my own, and whammo, blammo…I was on my way! She is great….and once you visit her, blog you are famliy…and will keep going back. Tell her I sent you. =)

  2. yup, I missed it. Silly Me! Sorry about that. I don’t change my blog like clothing, but….But I am already thinking about what theme I might be inspired to do next. tee hee! Still go to Julie’s blog for help. She is soooo great to work with and her blog is sooooo coolio. I am going to ask her about music. She really has a knack for teaching. =)

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