I love my kids but…

I do, I love my kids……
Sometimes, agh!!!

I was at Stuffmart at 6pm on Christmas Eve shutting the place down because my oldest son was desperate for a pet.  He'd decided on a fish (because his mom wouldn't allow anything else).  The poor staff at Stuffmart are shuffling people out of the store as fast as they can to get home for Christmas Eve and I'm literally fishing in the pet section trying to find the perfect pet for my son.  I figured I'd just write the price down and tell the person up front.  I hated to bother anyone and I couldn't find a sole to help with the fish.  The assistant manager walked by and was about as clueless as I was.  But together we fish out “Goldie” to bring home and proudly display in a fish bowl.
So what do I find my son doing today?  He's up on the counter scooping out the fish and putting it back into the bowl.  So like any level headed mom I promptly lose my mind.  “What are you doing?” 
Innocent eyes look up.  “What?”
Come to find out he's been taking the fish for a “walk” several times a day.  And I wonder why the things go belly up just a few days after we bring them home. 
I thought I was the worse fish keeper in the world!
Seems I've had a little help!


  1. Anonymous says:

    your son is trying to take the fish for a walk. It sounds like a common case of ….

    Yerdadyisanauburnfanitis. I’ve read terrible things about this rare disease.

    It shows up mostly in children from the deep south. Symptoms include an incredible appetite for boiled peanuts, love of the colors orange and blue, and shouting things like WAR EAGLE for no good reason.

    I’ve heard there is a great doctor in Knoxville TN that has cured most cases of this horrible disease. His name is Dr. P. Fulmer. Normally he’s extremely busy in December, but I hear rumors that he has plenty of time on his hands this year.

    Good Luck with your children… and the fish.

    Love — A Concerned Friend

  2. Taking a fish for a walk?! ROFLOL!

    I love it! Sounds just like something my boys would do.

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