Still sick and Crooked Ponytails

I hate it when I finish an entire blog and then hit a button that erases it.  UGH.

Well, we're on Day 5 of The Funk.  May I just go on record as saying I'm tired of feeling sick?

And in an attempt to make myself feel like a human again I submitted to my Taco Bell craving and took “babygirl” with me to eat tonight.  And, no, I didn't feed her that junk.  We then went by my massage therapist office for a spin on the Chi Machine and a sit in the Infra Red Sauna in the attempt to rid my body of the toxins that are making me sick as well as get rid of that Taco Bell I just ate.  Then we came home to an empty home since the boys are all at Narnia again with their dad.  So I took a couple snapshots of today's hairdo called Crooked Ponytails.  They were just too cute to fix.

And I wanted to show you my favorite part of Danielle's room right now…..the top shelf of the book case.  I'm not sure why I like it as much as I do but it makes me feel happy inside.

Have a good weekend.
Isaiah 30:15….”in repentance and rest is your salvation.  is quietness and trust is your strength…”


  1. Jedi4sweet says:

    How adorable is she???!!!!!! Danielle is such a doll!!! ; ) Love these crooked lil’ ponytails of hers!!! ; D

    Oh and I’ll pray that you’ll be feeling better real soon from that icky funky sick stuff. That’s just no fun at all. ; (

  2. Oh, my, Danielle is precious! It’s always so cute the way their hair gets tossled….that means they’ve been doing lots of exploring, pretending and learning (and a little bit of napping, too!) Her blue eys are beautiful. I hope you’re feeling better this weekend…it’s tough being in one of those funk moods!


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