Sparky the dog and other interesting stuff

This is Sparky.  She’s our dog.  We love her very much.  In fact, almost everyone loves her.  She’s just a great dog and we are very blessed to have her as a part of our lives.  Our 8 year old received Sparky as a Birthday present about 3 years ago.  You know, about the time I realized I wasn’t going to have any more babies…..
Some of you have that dog, right?
Or is it a hamster?
Or a cat?

Baby girl woke up sick this morning.  She’s in the throws of throwing up right now.  We’re on session #2.  Sounds like we’re getting ready for session #3. 

The winner from yesterday is posted at the top of yesterday’s blog entry.  Check there to see if you won!  I haven’t heard from the winner yet. 

Only 2 more days of school until our Christmas break.  I think I’m more excited than the kids.  No more lesson plans for 2 weeks!!!!

Our family is facing a big job decision.  Please pray for us today as God leads you.

Happy "day after hump day"!

You gotta see this….

I don’t know how long this has been around but it’s the first time I’ve seen it.  If you haven’t see this…

Louie Giglio – Laminin

Ya gotta click and watch…it’s truly amazing!!!
IN HIM (by laminin)

I'm back!!!

The Deeper Still Conference was wonderful!  Click on the aforementioned link and check out the last photo of the arena!  Wow is that a lot of women or what???  Boo Mama was there, although I didn’t see her.  Beth Moore blogs about the conference here.  There were over 19,000 people there.  More women than I’ve ever seen in one place.   It was just a little overwhelming for an introvert like me.  The Word was fresh and timely and just overall awesome!!  I was so emotionally spent by the end of the conference, wow! 

We stayed in the Hilton downtown and learned that valet parking is 24.00 per night.  GULP.  We stayed two nights.

We also learned that big suitcases with rollers is the way to go.  Not the shoulder bags we carried.

We had a great time.  It was awesome and as we were praising I wondered what Atlanta looked like to God … was there a huge shiney spot right in the middle? 

Another beach favorite

One of the things I buy at the beach that I do not buy a lot of at home is that huge jug-o-goldfish.  You know the one.  It’s shaped like a milk cartoon and is just hu-mon-gous!

My kids did a good job of eating them the first part of the week but then they slowly became snacks for us and the seagulls.

Here’s a picture of the kids filling the seagull’s bellies…

And here’s one of my handsome beach boy son throwing Frisbee wlith his dad

More tomorrow!!!

We're home

It was hard to do but we left the beach for the long trip home on Sunday.  We stopped at my mom’s to spend the night and finished the trip today.  It was in the 80s with a beautiful ocean breeze all week and now it’s 90 something and HOT!  I think I want to go back. 
We had a great time.  Here are a few pictures….
When we arrived this sweet mama bird was nursing her babies and before we left they flew!  It was exciting and very neat to watch.  They grew so fast!!!

And here’s my every handsome middle son on the beach with his dog Sparky.

More tomorrow!  As I try to glide back into re-entry!

Works for me Wednesday

I’m struggling to come up with something inspiring for today…my biggest secret was our housekeeper (angel). 

I’m trying to think of something we do that just makes life easier/better/simplier.

This is the best I’ve got today….we homeschool and send kids to school.  My middle sons both go to school this year.  But both will be homeschooled next year.  We’ve homeschooled our oldest son (9) for the last two years but for 1st grade he attended school.

We try to look at each kid each year to see what they need and to see how it will work for our family as a whole.  It works for us.  Knowing that if one needs school outside the family for a year (or two) we just do it!  It works for us. 

Here’s hoping you are flexible and true to what you believe all at the same time!  Blessings……

Our weekend

We finished our flag football season 13-3.  It was a fun season!  The boys had a blast after last years 0-14 record.  A winning season was a blessing to us all.  The weekend was beautiful.  I love spring!  We’ve had very little humidity and the days are just perfect!!!  I slept in the camper last night by myself with the windows open, snuggled up in layers of blankets and slept like a baby.  We’ve slept in it all weekend.  Camping in the front yard is the best!!

I wanted to share a few pictures of the weekend’s football game.
Here is the whole gang.  Not a very big team in numbers but full of heart!

Here are both of our oldest running towards the end zone. 

And here’s the greatest coach in the world!  Our dad!  He’s encouraging one of the players that had a rough "last play".

This is from our day last week when we ate dinner at 3:30!  It’s all out of focus and blurry but has good bokeh and wonderful expression!

Until tomorrow….

I feel like this sometimes…

While we were visiting my mom and dad I got this very interesting real photo of our daughter pouting whining about the shoes I suggested made her wear to the park.  She wanted to wear flip-flops but wise ole mom suggested the shoes you see in this picture.

You know, I wish I cold still get away with this sometimes.  "Oh boo-hoo-hoo, I can’t get my way.  Why does everybody hate me?  I just want to wear what I want to wear?" 

"What’s so wrong with that anyway??"

Should I stay or Should I go?

I remember liking that song…don’t ever remember who sang it.  I’m horrible with all that who sang what stuff.
But today I’ve been thinking about God’s call on our lives.  What do we do when he begins to close doors in our comfortable little lives?  Do we panic?  Do we get worried over what’s next?  Sure we do.  Our flesh panics doesn’t it? 

I wonder what God thinks about those doors He is indeed closing.  I imagine a father patting a diapered bottom scooting me along to the next step, maybe away from danger, maybe toward something really yummy like "peaches".  Oh yum, yum!  Food!  (I mean He knows I’m all about the food!)

God’s never really happy with less than the best, you know?  So when I settle comfortably in good but not best what does He do?  Oh yea, you know!  He moves me.  My question is what is my (our) reaction?

"Oh yippee, Dad’s moving again!  You know it’s always a great adventure with Him.  He’s got the best surprises!!  AND He loves more than I could ever know so this is gotta be great!!!!"
"What are you doing God?  I like it here.  Why do you want me to move from where I am?  Do you know what’s out there?  I mean, I like my life.  God?  God?  Do you hear me?  I don’t like change.  Hello?"

Oh for me to come to Him with the eagerness my kids come to me with when I even hint at a trip.  "Where are we going mom?  What are we going to get?  How long will it take? Will it be fun?  Who else is going?  Is there a playground?  Hey, someone get the football and let’s go!"

Oh Father turn my heart so towards you that I know the moment your thoughts shift towards me.  Make me eager to follow you for you love me more than I can imagine.  Protect me and my family and make us God Chasers!!!

What did you do this weekend?

We’ve had our camper for about a year and finally took it camping to a REAL campground this weekend.  It was so much fun.  A lot of work but loads of fun too.  We’ve camped out at a friend’s horse farm and we’ve camped a lot in our driveway but we are official CAMPERS now!

Here’s a few shots from our weekend.

So here’s what red sand/dirt/mud look like in the southeast……

Here’s our camper and our youngest son helping me sweep….
We fished almost every day and never caught a thing!  Maybe I was glad I wasn’t forced to eat something fishy for dinner…

Our middle son got a kick out of the two crickets (which we fished with) fighting…

Middle son after he got one of those guys on his hook.  The color is a little off in this photo (too green) but I was too tired to fix it so forgive me…

Here’s our friend Tonya grilling dinner Saturday night.  You can see all the kids fishing in the background…

It sprinkled this morning and was so wonderful waking up to the tap, tap, tap of the rain on the camper.  Baby girl was singing in the rain this morning.  The water was really warm compared to the air…..

These next two pictures are two of my favorites from the weekend….
Baby girl and daddy looking out over the lake…

And our youngest son with his ever-present light saber.  The look he has on his face is so him!!!…
