Should I stay or Should I go?

I remember liking that song…don’t ever remember who sang it.  I’m horrible with all that who sang what stuff.
But today I’ve been thinking about God’s call on our lives.  What do we do when he begins to close doors in our comfortable little lives?  Do we panic?  Do we get worried over what’s next?  Sure we do.  Our flesh panics doesn’t it? 

I wonder what God thinks about those doors He is indeed closing.  I imagine a father patting a diapered bottom scooting me along to the next step, maybe away from danger, maybe toward something really yummy like "peaches".  Oh yum, yum!  Food!  (I mean He knows I’m all about the food!)

God’s never really happy with less than the best, you know?  So when I settle comfortably in good but not best what does He do?  Oh yea, you know!  He moves me.  My question is what is my (our) reaction?

"Oh yippee, Dad’s moving again!  You know it’s always a great adventure with Him.  He’s got the best surprises!!  AND He loves more than I could ever know so this is gotta be great!!!!"
"What are you doing God?  I like it here.  Why do you want me to move from where I am?  Do you know what’s out there?  I mean, I like my life.  God?  God?  Do you hear me?  I don’t like change.  Hello?"

Oh for me to come to Him with the eagerness my kids come to me with when I even hint at a trip.  "Where are we going mom?  What are we going to get?  How long will it take? Will it be fun?  Who else is going?  Is there a playground?  Hey, someone get the football and let’s go!"

Oh Father turn my heart so towards you that I know the moment your thoughts shift towards me.  Make me eager to follow you for you love me more than I can imagine.  Protect me and my family and make us God Chasers!!!


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Thanks for sharing…

  2. MOMatHWTK says:

    It was The Clash. Not that I ever listened to punk rock or anything like that. 😉

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