Another beach favorite

One of the things I buy at the beach that I do not buy a lot of at home is that huge jug-o-goldfish.  You know the one.  It’s shaped like a milk cartoon and is just hu-mon-gous!

My kids did a good job of eating them the first part of the week but then they slowly became snacks for us and the seagulls.

Here’s a picture of the kids filling the seagull’s bellies…

And here’s one of my handsome beach boy son throwing Frisbee wlith his dad

More tomorrow!!!


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    The bird picture, it scares me. I can't STAND it when those birds get too close and are demanding. Now I've got to go watch something funny on TV and try to forget that picture where the birds are flying right at me! AAAAACk.

  2. crazybusy says:

    Cool pics, Julie! 🙂 Boy, all of your children have a nice tan!

    Love, Alyssa

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