Works for me Wednesday

I’m struggling to come up with something inspiring for today…my biggest secret was our housekeeper (angel). 

I’m trying to think of something we do that just makes life easier/better/simplier.

This is the best I’ve got today….we homeschool and send kids to school.  My middle sons both go to school this year.  But both will be homeschooled next year.  We’ve homeschooled our oldest son (9) for the last two years but for 1st grade he attended school.

We try to look at each kid each year to see what they need and to see how it will work for our family as a whole.  It works for us.  Knowing that if one needs school outside the family for a year (or two) we just do it!  It works for us. 

Here’s hoping you are flexible and true to what you believe all at the same time!  Blessings……


  1. lifelearning says:

    It's so important to find something that works for our own families. 🙂 Would it be ok if I added your blog to my friends list on Six Short of a Dozen?

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