Our weekend

We finished our flag football season 13-3.  It was a fun season!  The boys had a blast after last years 0-14 record.  A winning season was a blessing to us all.  The weekend was beautiful.  I love spring!  We’ve had very little humidity and the days are just perfect!!!  I slept in the camper last night by myself with the windows open, snuggled up in layers of blankets and slept like a baby.  We’ve slept in it all weekend.  Camping in the front yard is the best!!

I wanted to share a few pictures of the weekend’s football game.
Here is the whole gang.  Not a very big team in numbers but full of heart!

Here are both of our oldest running towards the end zone. 

And here’s the greatest coach in the world!  Our dad!  He’s encouraging one of the players that had a rough "last play".

This is from our day last week when we ate dinner at 3:30!  It’s all out of focus and blurry but has good bokeh and wonderful expression!

Until tomorrow….


  1. Anonymous says:

    I love sleeping all snuggled up and warm when it is cooler out, too. I get such good sleep. Congrats to your kids' winning season…that is great! After such a downer year before that is a great achievement for them. Love that last shot, too. Shows an active girl. 🙂


  2. tn3jcarter says:

    That camper does sound great. Tony & I had a fun weekend at a B&B, but ended the weekend with a horseback ride at LBL. I was AMAZED at all the campers & fancy horse trailers there. I think those folks really know how to do it up right!

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