More field trip photos…

I had this "oh so funny" post all ready last night.  Went to get my photos to add and "poof" it was gone.  GRRRRR!

There is a little mean man in my computer that does strange and abnormal things to it sometimes.

So here’s the post but with a fresh eye this morning. 

I made it to my mom’s last night, watched Dancing with the Stars, and then grabbed the computer and the heating pad.  Yep, you heard right, the heating pad.  I mean, I’d driven 4 hours by myself with out any screaming kids in the car and my tush was sore!  I proceeded to type this witty and thought provoking post and "poof".  "Hello blank screen." 

In just a bit I will arise from this peace and quiet and go shower.  No one will pull open the shower curtain.  No one will come into the bathroom screaming bloody murder because a sibling looked at him/her.  I might even shave.  Remember shaving???

Anyway, before my mind wonders in dangerous (I have no children for 3 days) directions I better post some photos.

Children of the Corn….

My oldest is ever-elusive for good photos these days but here he is standing beside the pig that bit our other son (see yesterday’s post)
Baby Girl and her friend in the corn box (instead of a sand box)

#2 in the pecking order…

#3 Son….the only one with his daddy’s eyes.

Baby girl…

Go find a corn maze!  They are fun!!!

Field Trip Sunday

I’ll be out of town some this week to care for my niece so that my sister can go back to work.  My niece had back surgery one week ago and is recovering slowly at home.  It was a major surgery for a 14 year old but we are hoping this will impact her life positively for years to come.

So, today we covered a day of school with a field trip.  Since my hubbie is taking off 3 days and will have school with the kids I thought having a cushion of a day, already counted, would help.  We had a great time except our 8 year old was bitten by a pig.  On the arm.  Hard. 

It’s really been bothering him since we got home and mean old momma, me, can’t help but get the giggles everytime he says something because….well…he was bitten by a pig.  A PIG!  Earlier this evening I got so tickled I couldn’t stop laughing and he got so mad at me. 

What was his arm doing in a mama sow’s pen any way? 

With that said here are a few unedited photos from today.  We had so much fun.  I got my settings just right on a couple shots and was so pleased.  It’s amazing how good photos are when the light is right and so are your settings. 

I also was gifted with a very early Christmas present from my darling hubbie and am swapping my XTi for a 40D!!  AGH!  I’m so excited!!!  It should be here this Friday or Monday of next week.  Pray it comes in time for next Saturday’s Championship Football Game!  We won one and lost one this weekend.  My 9 year old was so disappointed his team lost.  And it was exciting to see our 8 year old’s team beat an unbelievable good team. 

I just remembered I shot most everything in RAW format so I have a little editing to do.  Will post the "good ones" tomorrow!

(and maybe one of the pig too!)

Ah, hum.  Excuse that last (giggle) comment!

Baby girl…..

And her friend Dakota…

Name that bug!

My hubbie found this utterly disgusting but really cool looking bug/grub at the wood pile.  What is IT?

You could see it’s muscles and goo inside of it’s skin as it scooted in the caterpillar/grub kinda way.  It was creapy!!  First one with the answer gets a bag of yummy chocolate worms mailed to their house!

The Apple Orchard

This time of year always brings about a home school trip to the Apple Orchard.  We had a great time yesterday.  The weather was cloudy and it drizzled but it was cool and PERFECT for wandering through the orchard picking Fujis, Mutzus, Granny Smiths, and the likes.  I’ll post more pictures as I get them processed.  But here’s one of my dear friend and her youngest.

In Him,

Photos…Raw and Unprocessed and our Field Trip

In attempt to “get over” my desire to post process until I’m cross-eyed I am posting pictures from today’s field trip and last night’s visit from Papa Bill.

Walking up to the falls….

Trying to get a little cool spray from the waterfall.  It was an incredibly warm day.

Another family who was there snapped a picture of us!  Baby girl was NOT happy about having her photo taken…

Later she perked up a little…
“Rosie” came along for the trip too…

Baby girl washing a little boo-boo off in the cool water…

“Mom, my toe is still bleeding!”

“I’m going back to the water!”

Here’s a few from last night when Papa Bill joined us at football practice.

I did fool around with this one a little because it was dark but I loved Baby girl’s expression when I called her name.

In Him,

My poor blog

Yep, my poor blog is all but ignored with the busy schedule of homeschooling (have I mentioned the dreaded lesson plans?), football, Spanish and guitar.  In fact, we leave for guitar in about 10 minutes. 

But I wanted to stop in and say hello.  I keep thinking I’m going to take photos of our school room, of the neat things we are using, and the kids just learning away but alas, the thought comes and goes…..and goes….and goes. 

I’ve also allowed myself to become quite overwhelmed with the entire post processing part of photography.  I need to get back to just taking photos and not worrying about the other part. 

Football season is just about over.  We’re cranking out our 40th day of homeschooling tomorrow and my father-in-law is coming for a visit tonight.  We’re all excited to see him.  I think the kids enjoy having company as much as their parents. 

Any who…..
We’re here, just busy!

An Update on School

I think we’re finding our groove after 4 weeks of school.  For my oldest we’re finding what works and what doesn’t.   All of them are learning what is expected and what is not.  It’s working.  And though some days are willy-nilly with four of my precious lambs at home acting more like wolves I love having them here. 

My oldest is 9!  NINE!  When did 9 years of his life fly by?  He was just a baby yesterday dumping baby powder all over his room and looking like something out of Ghost Busters.

God has had such a spirit of protection over his life.  I sit here and think back to all the ways God has protected him.  At 18 months he decided to take a walk out into traffic and everyone saw him and stopped while I ran to scoop him out of harms way.  He once fell backwards off a ladder onto pavement with hardly a scratch when I was expecting a cracked skull.  He fell out of the bedroom window once and landed in the bushes, about a 10 foot fall. 

Yep, the guy is quite adventurous, huh??!

He’s been our hardest child to raise.  God must have known that because he chose Christmas Day for his birth, telling me in the middle of the night that our son was HIS gift to us.  His Gift.  Do you know how that has gotten me through so many of the struggles we’ve had with him? 

God reminds me that it is my honor and privilege to raise him. 

"He is my gift to you, Julie.  That is why I chose Christmas Day, so you would never forget."

How do you argue with that?
You don’t.  You just humbly bow.

"Thank you God for your everlasting hand of protection over my family.  I ask that your hand of protection be over us today and always.  Keep us from the evil one, Lord.  Turn my children’s hearts towards you.  Woe them.  Call them.  Raise them up to be mighty warriors for your kingdom.  Let them stand for what is good and right and noble in your sight.  And may they love you with all that they are."

I humbly bow,

Challenges and Blessings

I never know what each year is going to bring homeschooling.  This year when I knew I was going to homeschool all three boys I had no idea that little sister was going to be home with us too.  She is four, talks a mile a minute, never is quiet, loves Barbies, horses and anything pink.  She is a hand full to say the least.  I can hear her upstairs now talking to ANYTHING that will listen.  When I talk to her about being quiet she just says she "has to talk" or "loves to talk" or must get at least 4 million 5 hundred thousand words out in one day. 

She is exhausting.

One thing that has emerged quickly this year is my children’s different learning styles.  Some stay on task quite easily.  Some think quietly, some out loud.  Some get up at the crack of dawn to finish first.  Some take most of the morning.  It’s wonderful to be learning them so well. 

One thing that has emerged with my oldest son is his abilty and inability to learn spelling words.  We began the year with Abeka spelling but after just two weeks that’s been put aside.  We have been using AVKO Sequencial Spelling alongside of Abeka but now it’s our only spelling.  It makes sense to him (and to me) where as just memorizing spelling words doesn’t.  I’d recommend it to anyone!

Another thing I discovered this week is what a wonderful tool the dry erase board is for him.  Math has been a challenge when worked out on paper with a pencil but the dry erase board?  MAGIC!!  There’s something about the size of it that seems to grab and hold his attention so much better than a small piece of paper. 


I’ve tried several things because my oldest is very wiggly.  We tried holding silly putty while working.  That didn’t work and took all his attention away from the task at hand.  We tried sitting on a yoga ball so he could bounce while working.  Might be a good idea for some but he was all over the place. 

I’m learning that he needs something to grab his attention, not necessarily allow movement.  Thus, typing works (we’re using AVKO again for that – it’s called Indivualized Keyboarding), the dry erase board works, and we’re doing our AVKO Sequential Spelling at the dry erase board too!  I like that with this particular curriculum you correct misspellings immediately.  Yesterday we were spelling wood, stood etc and then had could, should etc and he said, "Ha!  You almost got me!  I know how to spell that!" 

What a blessing.

So for all you moms with wiggly boys…there is HOPE!

Now, if I could just figure out what to do with that over talkative 4 year old.

Always in Him…

Hurricanes and Petting Zoos

As Hurricane Hanna bears down on the NC coast I had my friend, Sandy on my heart.  Calling to check on her I find her at home, her dog properly sedated and being in need of a little sedation herself.  She had just returned from her daughter’s house with 2 large crated barking dogs, one uncrated barking dog, her "i’m scared of storms and need drugs" dog, one baby, one husband and one other relative.  I think she’d ride out the storm in a tent at this point.  She had me laughing so hard!  "I just packed up my toys and came home!", she said.

Other noteworthy events include our trip to Hollywild Animal Park today.  It was so much fun.  A perfectly warm SC day and lots of cool interactive feeding, touching, and oogling over all the wildlife there.  Plus, I went with one of my very best homeschooling friends…Lisa.  She rocks!!

Here are some snapshots from today…
We stopped to meet my friend Lisa at this cool little joint

It even had one of these parked off to the side for no apparent reason

Oh well….back on the 1.5 hour trail to find our grand destinition…..

The small petting zoo had the sweetest baby goats

Of course all of my gang wanted to know which ones we could take home
My daughter was hitting my for the dear

Our view as we enter the Safari Ride:

The Gang on the bus

I won’t begin to remember all the names of the animals (Lisa would) but I believe these were in Asian Deer, not native to the US at all.  Aren’t they spectacular?

Here’s one of my favorite gentile guys.  He’d like bread right out of your hand and had this HUGE purple tongue…

This mama and baby were so sweet hanging back a bit from the pack wanting to be fed.

This was one of my daughter’s favorites…
the peacock

This fellow was one of the best.  That purple tongue may have been the largest!

These guys sleep from 18 to 20 hours a day and only wake to feed or hunt.  I’m liking that life.  Can you see them under the shade?

I think the Zebra was one of Emma’s favorite animals
And the deer were my daughter’s favoriteAs much as she liked the deer and called them reindeer which I thought was cute, she hated the big ugly chicken pictured below (emu).  Now that really made me chuckle…..

There were camels

And a 6500 pound rhinosorous named Tank.  He’s the actual rhino used in the Land Rover commercials and there’s another commercial that’s on now he’s on too, under a white sheet.  I think it’s advertising allergy meds or something.  He was really neat!!
See him back there? 

We had a blast!!  And closed the park down.  Today was Homeschool Day at the park!  It wasn’t too crowded.
Oh I did find our something else noteworthy.  Lisa and I have a friend who has been pregnant and just found out today that she delivered in her car and her hubbie delivered her.  I don’t know any more details now but WOW!  She’s my hero.

If you live anywere near SC this was a great field trip day!!!
Always IN HIM…….

Field Trip Day

Today is Field Trip Day.  I think I’m as excited as the kids.  No school work or stuff to teach……just good ole fun!  Thanks to all of you who’ve commented and offered suggestions for lightening the load.  We’re doing better.
