Hurricanes and Petting Zoos

As Hurricane Hanna bears down on the NC coast I had my friend, Sandy on my heart.  Calling to check on her I find her at home, her dog properly sedated and being in need of a little sedation herself.  She had just returned from her daughter’s house with 2 large crated barking dogs, one uncrated barking dog, her "i’m scared of storms and need drugs" dog, one baby, one husband and one other relative.  I think she’d ride out the storm in a tent at this point.  She had me laughing so hard!  "I just packed up my toys and came home!", she said.

Other noteworthy events include our trip to Hollywild Animal Park today.  It was so much fun.  A perfectly warm SC day and lots of cool interactive feeding, touching, and oogling over all the wildlife there.  Plus, I went with one of my very best homeschooling friends…Lisa.  She rocks!!

Here are some snapshots from today…
We stopped to meet my friend Lisa at this cool little joint

It even had one of these parked off to the side for no apparent reason

Oh well….back on the 1.5 hour trail to find our grand destinition…..

The small petting zoo had the sweetest baby goats

Of course all of my gang wanted to know which ones we could take home
My daughter was hitting my for the dear

Our view as we enter the Safari Ride:

The Gang on the bus

I won’t begin to remember all the names of the animals (Lisa would) but I believe these were in Asian Deer, not native to the US at all.  Aren’t they spectacular?

Here’s one of my favorite gentile guys.  He’d like bread right out of your hand and had this HUGE purple tongue…

This mama and baby were so sweet hanging back a bit from the pack wanting to be fed.

This was one of my daughter’s favorites…
the peacock

This fellow was one of the best.  That purple tongue may have been the largest!

These guys sleep from 18 to 20 hours a day and only wake to feed or hunt.  I’m liking that life.  Can you see them under the shade?

I think the Zebra was one of Emma’s favorite animals
And the deer were my daughter’s favoriteAs much as she liked the deer and called them reindeer which I thought was cute, she hated the big ugly chicken pictured below (emu).  Now that really made me chuckle…..

There were camels

And a 6500 pound rhinosorous named Tank.  He’s the actual rhino used in the Land Rover commercials and there’s another commercial that’s on now he’s on too, under a white sheet.  I think it’s advertising allergy meds or something.  He was really neat!!
See him back there? 

We had a blast!!  And closed the park down.  Today was Homeschool Day at the park!  It wasn’t too crowded.
Oh I did find our something else noteworthy.  Lisa and I have a friend who has been pregnant and just found out today that she delivered in her car and her hubbie delivered her.  I don’t know any more details now but WOW!  She’s my hero.

If you live anywere near SC this was a great field trip day!!!
Always IN HIM…….


  1. hugabunchmom says:

    I want to go!! Don't know when we'll get out toward SC, but I've GOT to remember this if we do. And no schooling? Maybe by some standards, but I see tons and tons of learning going on. What a fantastic day for all of you. Thanks so much for sharing, and the pictures are really awesome. Hugs!

  2. SandBetweenMyToes says:

    What a really cool place! We'd love it there. I have one, especially, who is an animal freak. : )

    I just posted about what we are doing for history and science this year. Very laid back. Doing the history unit study is different for us. It takes prep time, but it is also including our copywork, writing, and has some fun activities. Many times we just read historical fiction and biographies for history as read-alouds. I have heard a lot of good things about Mystery of History and Story of the World.


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