Name that bug!

My hubbie found this utterly disgusting but really cool looking bug/grub at the wood pile.  What is IT?

You could see it’s muscles and goo inside of it’s skin as it scooted in the caterpillar/grub kinda way.  It was creapy!!  First one with the answer gets a bag of yummy chocolate worms mailed to their house!


  1. That yucky cool thing is a wood grub! This is the larva of a species of borer longhorn beetle. They just eat dead wood. 🙂

    Bugs are so cool! While I was looking up yours I stumbled on the identification of a bug we found last year and couln't find because it didn't look like a grub.

  2. SandBetweenMyToes says:

    I don't know what it is, but you're right…'s gross! Isn't it amazing all of the cool creatures we can find when we explore this world?

    We've not done apples yet, and I'm afraid we're going to miss it this year. I'm supposed to be making applesauce!


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