Archives for October 2006

A beautiful day outside!

Well today we completely spent the school day outside in the beautiful 70 degree weather.  We did get math done but knowing cold yucky days are upcoming I took today to be a total outdoor day.  We got a nature walk in too right at dusk.  Then we played outside at the park until dark.  It was great.  We even got by the Dollar Store for all the things we needed for our Christmas Shoeboxes.  Tomorrow is busy with a field trip, dentist, pizza lunch with my oldest son's old school and trick-or-treating at 5pm.  Whew!!
Pray for energy!
Have a blessed day!

Operation Christmas Child

This will appear on the Front Porch next week but I wanted to let all who read my blog to know as soon as possible as time is running out!    Julie

Operation CHRISTmas Child
Christmas Shoeboxes for Children Abroad

Looking for an easy but worthwhile ministry for your children for Christmas.  Consider Operation Christmas Child a ministry of Samaritan's Purse
This is Franklin Graham's (Billy Graham's son) ministry.  Your children
can pick out gifts (the Dollar Store is a great place to get things)
for the shoe box.  Choose a box for a girl or a boy and an age group. 
For guidelines see their website HERE

Blessed By Sharing Jesus with a needy child this Christmas.  But hurry,
time is running out.  And don't forget to include a bible!

Boundaries Part Three – Safety

Boundaries Part 3

Okay, what next to write about boundaries….

Hmm, let me see.  Let’s begin with “What is a boundary?”  I believe it is a way of defining who you are; where you end and another person begins.  Think of a playground.  Inside the fence it is safe to play, run around, climb and swing.  Outside the fence, however, it is not safe.  There is busy road, traffic, bad guys and a dog that bites.  The fence around the playground is the boundary.  Inside it’s safe.  Outside it’s not.

That’s what boundaries do for us, keep us safe.  It tells others “This is the line you can not cross”.  The hard part of setting boundaries is being willing to enforce the consequences of crossing the boundary.  If you don’t enforce the consequence the boundary is completely ineffective.

In the example above it’s not easy to let the child who wonders outside the playground feel a natural consequence of getting bit by the dog.  An enforced consequence might be the spanking that the child gets for going outside the fence or perhaps being taken home instead of being allowed to play.

As a family we have developed family boundaries that help define our family.  These came after a really tough conversation between me and my husband one night about three years after we were married.  They seemed to flow naturally out of that conversation and I don’t think we’ve changed them since we first wrote them down.

My husband and I both come from a recovery background (in adulthood).  I believe this has made our marriage stronger and our family different than those without a working knowledge of recovery.  I am so blessed to have a husband who is willing to work through the difficult stuff.  We continue to heal as individuals and as a couple as God leads us into greater and greater freedom.


Our FAMILY Principles and Boundaries

  • Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and we depend upon Him for everything.
  • We are committed to working through difficult issues together as a family.
  • Our home is a safe haven from world and we will support one another as we try to be true to God, one another and ourselves.
  • We will make every effort through prayer and action to positively impact generations to come, breaking generational sin.
  • We will do everything possible, with God’s help, to protect our family from those negative influences who choose not to respect our boundaries as a family and as individuals. 

Wow! Check this out!

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now that e-bay has a ban on teacher's editions? 

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Tell your friends!  Tell your family!  Tell your readers!

Sometimes I just wonder…

Sometimes I just wonder why do we think we know so much?  Are we just stupid? (pardon the expression)

God's word so clearly expresses that He's the dad and we're the child.  How many times a day do we have to express that to our kids?  Yet still we don't get it.  Or at least I don't.  I wonder at times why God doesn't hit us all in the head with a Holy brick.  I marvel at my own stupidness.

People who do not know that Lord, at least they have an excuse.  But those of us who know him, who seek him?  What is my excuse?

As I was cramming for bible study tonight (meaning I haven't picked it up all week) I was struck by the end of chapter 23 in Exodus. 

“I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive out the Hivites, Cannanites and Hittites out of your way.  But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you.  Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land.”  Exodus 23:28-30

God knows.  He really knows.  He has our best interests at heart ALWAYS.  Did you get that?  Not sometimes, most of the time or almost all the time but ALWAYS.

“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion.  For the Lord is a God of justice.  Blessed are all who wait on him!”  Isaiah 30:18

Look at the scripture.  God will go before us.  He may not do it like we think he'll do it because, goodness knows, that wouldn't be good for us.  So he heals us slowly, he brings that disobedient child of ours along slowly and carefully, he plants the seed of his desire within our hearts and then waits to fulfill it.  Why?  Because to do so any quicker would hurt us.  The wild animals would overtake us.  He RISES to show us compassion.  He longs to be gracious to us.  And BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO WAIT ON HIM.

No one likes “the waiting place”.  It's a hard place to be.  God's often quiet.  Not much is happening.  Well, not that we can see.  But God is orchastrating all the events that need to come together at just the right moment for HIM to let us know, “Hey, I'm God!”

Am I just a nutcase sometimes or what?  It freaks me out why I don't just “get it!”  Why do I question his goodness?  Why do I choose to wait to obey?  How many times do I miss the blessing of first time obedience?  Oh, to hear his voice and just say, “Yes sir” and obey.

Excuse me but I just gotta go thank him for loving this pigheaded, sometimes prideful, yet ever-seeking Child of the KING!  I'm so thankful that He loves me so much that he longs for me.  Oh, Father, never let me go.


View my blog online at:

Boundaries Part Two – CAPACITY

Hmm….where to start?   I don't want to scare anyone off.  Let's begin with one of the hardest things to do as a mom.  Manage our time effectively for our families.  Sounds like a good place doesn't it?

Do you feel the world pulling at us to say “yes” to a thousand different things.  We can serve at church until burnout.  We can volunteer for project after project.  Our husbands can work 80 hour/week jobs. 

I feel my job is to be quiet enough to find out what God wants me to do.  Everything else gets a resounding but polite “no”.  As a homeschool mom I know that raising my children and schooling them is what I'm called to do right now.  Being a wife and a mother, being Jesus' bride, being a keeper of the home…that's what I'm called to do. 

My husband works a fulltime job which allows me the blessing of staying at home.  He is an elder in our church, a very newly planted church.  With our children's activities we both know that this is just about full capacity for our family.  Our policy is “If I say yes to something than I have to say no to something I'm already doing.”  This keeps our family balanced. 

I like to operate at what feels like 80% capacity.  Then, when life cranks up for a week or two (hubbie's travel schedule picks up or the boys have football playoffs) there is some wiggle room that allows for the “extra”.  But only for a small amount of time.  Then we need to settle back into our 80%.  This helps to keep our framily from getting so stressed out that our family unit begins to crumble. 

So I ask the question, “At what capacity is your family running?  Is it 120%?  Is it 105%? ”  Is there something that is time to cut out of the family?  How can we hear the small voice of God when we are constantly busy?  How do we know what He wants us to say yes (or no) to if we are saying yes to everything else…even the stuff that sounds good?

Part of what I've learned about boundaries helps me to keep my family functioning in a healthy manner.  When God tells us to guard our hearts I believe this is one of the ways he wants me to guard my heart and ensure there is some wiggle room. 

You know, If I am completely honest with you there is something He's taken my joy away from and is calling me to say “no” to right now.  I haven't yet because I fear disappointing others.  (Okay, not too much self exposure here….let's continue.)

When I see others in overload I always wonder in my mind, “What percent of capacity is that family functioning.”  Now I know there are just days where we are overloaded but often it begins with me looking at my calender for the day.  Is there too much on it?  What can go?  What can be done later?  Is there something I can get some help with?

I don't delegate that well.  My husband does a much better job than me.  So one area I work on is remembering that my kids can help ME.  Oh, what a novel idea!  I think it's time to make us a list for them for the day.  Taa Taa!


Boundaries Part One

Reading through a wonderful new website Nancy over at Lessons Learned on the Farm turned me onto prompted me to write about something near and dear to my heart…that hated word….no one likes to hear….ugh!!…..


Most of us, especially the ones who tend towards people pleasing or ones who hate conflict, struggle with boundaries.  I believe we are taught that boundaries are bad from a very young age.  Perhaps it is society that blurs the line on where we end and another person begins.  What exactly do we have control over anyway?  Isn't there SOMETHING we can do to change or help in a situation?  Where does selflessness end and self preservation begin?

Or as asked by KSMilkmaid:
I am interested in hearing how others set limits with people out side of their family unit. How do you know when to give and when not to give? How do you handle the backlash when you don’t give what is asked of you? Have you ever set boundaries only to find yourself wondering if you really had any right to set them at all? How do you balance the biblical quality of self sacrifice and self-preservation or sanity?

I hope to answer these and some other questions from readers in the next few weeks as I explore what I believe to be one of the ways God asks us to guard our hearts, not to mention our families and our children's hearts. 

Do you struggle with saying NO?  Is it an evil word to you?  Do you feel as if there is always something you can or should do to help? 

Tune in with me over the next few days as we tackle the subject of bondaries!


The sunshine after the rain

Isn't it wonderful to see the sun after the rain?  It always reminds me of God's purpose for pain, his hope during the storm and the way he truly makes all things new. 

After suffering from a nasty headcold the last couple of days I got a chance for some much needed rest today.  Afterwards I got to spend a little while outside alone with baby girl.  There are moments we cherish in the lives of our kids, moments when we just want to stop, breathe it all in deeply, and never forget what we're experiencing.

Here's a couple shots from one of those moments with my wonderful daughter today after the rain.

Around the house

Several blogs I've read lately have made me realize that even though we know each other through the blogoshere there are a lot of things we miss by not getting to see one another face to face.  So I thought I'd show you around the house this morning.

This is our front yard and driveway as seen from the front porch.  It's pouring rain today and it's garbage day.

Here's the front porch that leads to the carport.

Here's the foyer and the steps up to the loft where the boys sleep.

Here are the older two watching TV on my bed during our first morning break from school, around 11am.

Here's baby girls room.

Here's my office.

Here's the dining room where everything in our lives gets piled.

Here's the den where the younger two sit watching TV during our break.

The kitchen, where we are doing school today.

Through the double doors in the kitchen to the screened in back porch.

And a look through the screen to the very rainy back yard where my husband has moved and revamped the “firecamp” area.

Hope you enjoyed visiting today.  How are things at your house?  I'd love to see where you live!!

Sunday night thoughts

I usually like to leave my blog entries alone for a day or two because I like giving people a chance to read them before I add another one but tonight I felt I just had to write for a couple of reasons.

One is that we had homegroup (our church's version of sunday school) tonight and I was so struck by the conversation around the dinner table.  There weren't many present tonight but the ones who were discussed their disappointment in the public school system.  As I battled with pride at being able to homeschool and fought with Satan over that I also felt so sad that most of America's children are battling all I heard tonight.  A class labeled as art where no art is taught but some “moral” agenda taught by the guidance counselor…all this unknown to the parents who really think their kids are taking art; PE being taken away at the 5th grade level because it's not important; notes constantly being sent home about a kid having a “bad day” because he doesn't get PE and he's a BOY (goodness gracious!); learning the rules of baseball but not how to play baseball.  And the list goes on and on. 
What are we leaving for our kids?  Who will their kids be?  Will they be shipped off to school like we send dogs to the kennel?  Lord, give me a heart to pray for these children, for Godly examples in their lives, for teachers that don't undo all their parents are trying to do and for the strength to stand up as Believers, those of them who are.

The second thing on my heart tonight is how sneaky Satan is.  I've been studying about the difference between the word “bride” and the word “wife” as it pertains to us being the bride of Christ.  I really felt some revelation today as God taught me about being his bride.  And then Satan comes right in and tries to make me feel “less than” through a conversation after homegroup tonight.  He tries to plant the worst thoughts into our minds.
Satan, I rebuke you, in the name of Jesus.  I stand on God's truth and not your lies.  I am a bride….to Jesus and to my husband.  I am chosen, beautiful, sought after, lovely, and your prize.  Help me Lord to act, speak and love like a bride.

Tonight is one of those nights l long for heaven.  One of the nights when I hate the battle that wages against my soul and the souls of our children. 

As I once read, “Lord, COME and for the sake of the children, come quickly.” (author I can't remember)

IN HIM…………….

