Boundaries Part Three – Safety

Boundaries Part 3

Okay, what next to write about boundaries….

Hmm, let me see.  Let’s begin with “What is a boundary?”  I believe it is a way of defining who you are; where you end and another person begins.  Think of a playground.  Inside the fence it is safe to play, run around, climb and swing.  Outside the fence, however, it is not safe.  There is busy road, traffic, bad guys and a dog that bites.  The fence around the playground is the boundary.  Inside it’s safe.  Outside it’s not.

That’s what boundaries do for us, keep us safe.  It tells others “This is the line you can not cross”.  The hard part of setting boundaries is being willing to enforce the consequences of crossing the boundary.  If you don’t enforce the consequence the boundary is completely ineffective.

In the example above it’s not easy to let the child who wonders outside the playground feel a natural consequence of getting bit by the dog.  An enforced consequence might be the spanking that the child gets for going outside the fence or perhaps being taken home instead of being allowed to play.

As a family we have developed family boundaries that help define our family.  These came after a really tough conversation between me and my husband one night about three years after we were married.  They seemed to flow naturally out of that conversation and I don’t think we’ve changed them since we first wrote them down.

My husband and I both come from a recovery background (in adulthood).  I believe this has made our marriage stronger and our family different than those without a working knowledge of recovery.  I am so blessed to have a husband who is willing to work through the difficult stuff.  We continue to heal as individuals and as a couple as God leads us into greater and greater freedom.


Our FAMILY Principles and Boundaries

  • Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and we depend upon Him for everything.
  • We are committed to working through difficult issues together as a family.
  • Our home is a safe haven from world and we will support one another as we try to be true to God, one another and ourselves.
  • We will make every effort through prayer and action to positively impact generations to come, breaking generational sin.
  • We will do everything possible, with God’s help, to protect our family from those negative influences who choose not to respect our boundaries as a family and as individuals. 


  1. ClagettsFLStyle says:

    What a great idea. Thanks for sharing your boundaries!!

  2. I am in awe that the Father prompted you to write an entry about boundaries in the way that you did. My husband and I were talking last night about our family relationship boundaries and how they seem to have been lost or buried or something.

    I just posted our revised family mission statement as a start and then I read your blog.

    Your words were a confirmation in my spirit.

    thank you, THANK YOU!

  3. SandBetweenMyToes says:

    You visited my blog back in the beginning of October, and the month has been so crazy, I am just now getting a chance to come over to yours. I have enjoyed reading some on it. I, too, come from a recovery background. The Lord has brought me and our family through some amazing times. One of the many things I learned was boundaries. Do you still find, though, that it is sometimes hard on the individual issues to know where to set those boundaries? Every decision must be covered in prayer, especially as our children are entering adulthood!!

    Thank you for stopping by.


  4. I found your blog this moring and wanted to pop in and tell you I really enjoyed exploring your site : ) You have a beautiful blog! I have three boys and a girl too – really like your name : ) Have a blessed weekend!

  5. that you share that together so passionately. I find myself the spiritual leader in my home, although, it is my heart’s desire for my husband to take this role. I have to not allow myself to become jealous over other women whose husbands are truly walking with the Lord. My husband is saved, attends church every week, but he just doesn’t do much beyond that. I continue to pray he will gain a hunger for God. What a wonderful legacy you are giving your boys to see a father like that, and an example of what your daughter will look for in a future husband.


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