The sunshine after the rain

Isn't it wonderful to see the sun after the rain?  It always reminds me of God's purpose for pain, his hope during the storm and the way he truly makes all things new. 

After suffering from a nasty headcold the last couple of days I got a chance for some much needed rest today.  Afterwards I got to spend a little while outside alone with baby girl.  There are moments we cherish in the lives of our kids, moments when we just want to stop, breathe it all in deeply, and never forget what we're experiencing.

Here's a couple shots from one of those moments with my wonderful daughter today after the rain.



    These pictures are great. I’m glad you got to enjoy your day together and are feeling better.



  2. I LOVE the photo of feet i nt he puddle. You have a great eye!

  3. What precious pictures!

  4. momanna98 says:

    Such neat photos!

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