Operation Christmas Child

This will appear on the Front Porch next week but I wanted to let all who read my blog to know as soon as possible as time is running out!    Julie

Operation CHRISTmas Child
Christmas Shoeboxes for Children Abroad

Looking for an easy but worthwhile ministry for your children for Christmas.  Consider Operation Christmas Child a ministry of Samaritan's Purse
This is Franklin Graham's (Billy Graham's son) ministry.  Your children
can pick out gifts (the Dollar Store is a great place to get things)
for the shoe box.  Choose a box for a girl or a boy and an age group. 
For guidelines see their website HERE

Blessed By Sharing Jesus with a needy child this Christmas.  But hurry,
time is running out.  And don't forget to include a bible!


  1. We have done these several times and it is truly a rewarding experience. I don’t remember being able to pack a bible before, so that is wonderful. Those tiny new testaments would fit great!

    thanks for the reminder to do these. It’s been a few years, but as I recall, it helps me to focus on the true meanings of Christmas.

  2. we handed in our boxes at Church yesterday …

    Just wanted to encourage you to keep blogging because I am learning a lot about Father through you.


  3. ClagettsFLStyle says:

    We’ve done OCC a couple years in a row now. We love doing it. It’s so much fun shopping for the children and it really helps us refocus on what Christmas is really about!

    Thanks for putting the word out!

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