Archives for October 2005

Hello Julie, It’s me…God.

love it when God chooses to enter into my little mommy “have I even
brushed my teeth today?” world and let me know beyond a shadow of a
doubt that it is HE who is speaking to me.

At church we are studying Better Together, What on Earth are WE Here For?…The Forty Days of Community
by Rick Warren.  I have to admit when I first learned of our
church's commitment to this study/devotional I was less than
thrilled.  I am already involved in a ladies bible study on
Wednesday mornings and can barely get that work done each week. 
But since my husband was leading the group we attend I decided to put
on my submissive wife hat and begin reading the book.  Wow! 
What a book!

My Wednesday morning Bible study group I mentioned is studying the book of John and it's an awesome study.

At the same time my love for Christian fiction has me reading When Heaven Weeps by Ted Dekker. 
So there you have it. 
1,2, and 3!!

Since God seems to confirm things in threes to me I wasn't surprised,
just overjoyed when I found God speaking to me about what love really
looks like.

I knew He was beginning to lead me into new
territory as I found myself overwhelmed by the passion in which the
main character of When Heaven Weeps
loves the woman God has chosen for him.  It's just a shadow of His
love for us but it was so overwhelmingly passionate, full of grace and
lacking any condemnation or judgement.  I found myself trying to
wrap the arms of my mind around the concept of such a love.

God further confirmed in me His desire to teach me something new
through my study in the book of John.  In Chapter 1 verses 35-51 I
found myself drawn to the story of Jesus' first disciples.  After
John the Baptist points John and Andrew to Jesus they immediately
follow.  What's the first thing Andrew does after finding
Jesus?  He finds his brother Simon and tells him. After Phillip is
called he immediately finds Nathanael to tell him about Jesus. 
The first two disciples has now grown to five disciples.  John,
Andrew, Simon, Phillip and Natanael.  All because of LOVE.

Do I run to tell the people I love about Jesus?  “Look what I've found…..the lamb, the Lord, my Jesus!”

As all this is happening within the same few day I begin reading Forty
Days of Community.  One of the first devotion says “The essence of
love is not what we think or do or provide for others, BUT how much we
give of ourselves.”  “Be full
of love for others, following the example of Christ who loved you and
gave himself to God as a sacrifice to take away your sins.” (Ephesians
5:2 LB)  It goes on to say:

  • “A heart transformed by God is a heart that loves.”
  • “Love is patient.  Impatience is not love.”
  • “Being
    patient demands a cost; we have to set aside our agenda and yield our
    rights in order to 'welcome each other with open arms.'” 
  • “Love is patient.  That means it puts up with a lot for a long time.

Do I love this way? 
When one of my children has asked me something for the millionth time am I patient?
Do I realize that God loves me with a love that is so incredibly passionate?  Passionate enough to die for?

I sadly bow my head and answer, “No”. 

But then I feel it rise as my Jesus puts his finger underneath my chin,
raises my eyes to his and looks at me with a burning passionate
neverending love.  And I smile, knowing it's not about me but it's
all about Jesus.  He is the One who can allow me to love the way
He loves me. 

you Lord for a love that burns so fiercely.  Brand that love into
my own heart so that I may love others with a love that feels
passionate, unhuman and different from anything they've ever felt

The Spout

Okay, so I'm the typical mommy of one little girl after having three rambunctious boys.  I admit to it.
    I love to dress her in pink and today was the first day I got to do “the spout” and amazingly she kept it in all day!!

It was great.  My first pony tail, so to speak.  At Bible
Study today someone said she looked like Cindy Lou Who from The Grinch
Stole Christmas.  Yep!  That's my girl….little Cindy Lou
Who!  I've still got to get some pony tail holders for little
girls (the small ones) and some cute little doodads to add to the
spout.  I just can't wait…..OOHH…it's going to be so much fun!

So far I think I really like this girl thing!!
Have a Jesus filled day!

A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do…..

Keeping up with three older brothers is quite a feat but I think Danielle is going to be able to whip them by the time she's two.  Today at the park she was pushing the Tonka Monster dump truck right alongside the boys.  It was such a gorgeous day here….surely it's going to be 70 degrees without humidity in heaven!!

My biggest compliment

I received one of my biggest compliments yesterday.  My husband reads my blog. 
Isn’t that neat?  He takes time out of his busy
work schedule to read the ramblings of a 40 year old mother of
four.  Oh yea, I am his wife too!!!  Sometimes all the
busyness of having four children I forget that.  Long before the wildness that has now invaded our home we had a romance,
a life without kids, and a REAL relationship.  I think one of the
biggest challenges now is trying to maintain that relationship.

So let me tell you about this wonderful man I married 10 years ago.  First, he is very good looking (yea,
you baby!).  He is a patient and loving husband.  He
encourages me on days when I’ve done too much (like yesterday) and
rolls down the bed for me, tucks me in and shuts the door.
He also is a great dad.  He
relates to my “almost 7 year old” so much better than I do and can
usually get through to him when I can not.  He loves to snuggle
with our daughter and at 16 months she has effectively wrapped him
around her sweet, precious 2 inch little finger.
He is an avid AUBURN football fan and is certain
there will be football in heaven.  AND of course it will be
college football!  He’ll be the star quarterback, running back and
He is full of life, spontaneity and
fun.   Without him I would be a bore.  He’s the silly
one who keeps us all laughing…sometimes to the point of tears.
He’s full of Jesus and loves others so well.  He has a heart full
of compassion and love for others to understand how passionately Jesus
loves us.  He’s the dreamer.  The one who still dreams of us
going to Colorado to ski, even with four children.  Can you
imagine the cost???  I’m still the practical one.
We make a good team together.  He’s definitely
my opposite and my compliment.  As we continue on this venture
together I’m sure I’ll discover even more wonderful things about
Thanks for reading my blog baby!  I love you.


Hello again!!

We just returned home from a visit to NC to
see my family.  It was a great visit AND it feels so good to be
home.  My husband is fast asleep beside me.  My cat is curled
up on the other side…..(I'm supposed to be asleep)…..

It's times like these I ponder the fact that Jesus had no home while he
lived here on earth.  Can you imagine how much we'd long for home
after sleeping under trees and in stranger's homes?  I know Jesus
was God but he was also fully human.  The human side of Jesus must
have longed for home, a place to retreat after a long day of
ministry.  We long for our physical homes when we've been away for
just a short while, but Jesus was in HEAVEN….with GOD.  Excuse
me if I say WOW!!!  Can you imagine longing for that kind of
home???  My little brain just can not wrap around that. 

Family can mean so much.  The older I get the more I feel like my
family is the body of believers.  I feel I've been blessed with a
wonderful family in Christ.  The believers I fellowship with are
such great folks.  I have a wonderful family who raised me and a
few years ago God blessed me by allowing me to meet my birth
family.  I was adopted at the ripe old age of 8 weeks old and grew
up in NC with loving parents.  It's been a real journey to meet
another mom, another dad and 4 additional siblings. 

This weekend was full of family and wonderful fun things for the
kids.  We played football, played at the park, rode the train at
the park, attended a college football game, swam at an indoor pool, and
visited with my family.  The kids had a great time with their
cousins.  I even got a few minutes to let my sister (the expert
hairdresser in the family) rip out some facial hair.  Who invented eyebrow waxing anyway?????  Had to be a man. 

No matter how wonderful the trip what is it about coming home? 
It's like putting on your favorite pair of blue jeans. Familiar. 
Comfortable.  Wonderfully you.

As I enjoy all the comforts of my earthly home this evening I am aware,
once again, of my longing for my heavenly home.  This place is
just a pitstop along God's eternal plan for my life.  As much as
my kids enjoyed the park and all the activities of the weekend I can't
wait to see what God has planned me when I come home!!!

Guess I better join my husband, cat and kids in La La Nighty Night land…..

Good night

Want some great ideas???

Aren't the best ones stolen (or borrowed)???  I have two I've
thought of today as I looked at my newest issue of Family Fun. 
It's such a great magazine! ( )

Great idea #1
I got this idea from a magazine but
can't remember which one.  The family in the magazine celebrates
Thanksgiving each year by using a white tablecloth on the table. 
Each year the children and adults write the things they are thankful
for with fabric markers.  Each year they pull out the Thanksgiving
Tablecloth and have loads of fun adding to it and reading what was
written in the previous years.  Isn't this a great idea??? 
Especially if you have small kids….you get to see how their
handwriting progresses as well as their spelling and vocabulary. 
We're beginning ours this year.

Great idea #2
This is from a friend my husband used to work with.  His family
celebrated the “BER” months beginning in September thru December. 
I remember he loved the fall months and so they decided to celebrate
all of them instead of just the usual holidays.  They made up
their own family traditions (or stole some) and celebrated at the
beginning of each month with a special dinner. 

Sometimes they dressed up and danced.  I remember them just doing
silly memorable things that I'm sure their kids will carry with them
their entire lives. 

If you have any wonderful family traditions I'd love to hear them!!
We also make special pancakes every CHRISTtmas morning with reindeer,
snowman and CHRISTmas tree cookie cutter looking things we use on the
griddle.  Warning:  always use lots of cooking spray on the

Happy Ber months….

Sunday Afternoon Blahs

Every have one of those days where you'd like to stay in the bed with a good book and be invisible?    I've had one of those days today.  Church was blah.  Shopping with my very picky 6 year old for fall clothes was blah and now as we prepare for homegroup (our church's version of sunday school) I'm thinking “blah”.



I did my best to be invisible at church today, having nothing to say to much of anybody.  I'm not a caffeine drinker but I tried that this morning.  Didn't work!!  I guess we all have days like today when we'd just assume the world rotate without us.  Today was mine.  I hope that means tomorrow when my husband leaves for the week I'll be on top of my game again. Sometimes I wonder if I don't experience some type of grief when he's getting ready to leave for the week.  I don't usually recognize it as that but maybe that's part of what's going on. 


And now I'm thinking….why do we have to label everything?  Can't I be okay being blah without knowing the reason???  Sometimes I think trying to figure things out is our most common sin. 




Do boys really ever calm down????

Lately I've been struggling with all the testosterone flowing through my house.  We have 3 boys ages 6,5,4 and then there is my husband.  Oh, even our two cats are boys.  So as I'm talking with my husband the other day wondering why my children can't sit still and play something fun like Chutes and Ladders he tries to explain to me that it would only turn into Shoot and Who Can Be the Loudest!!!



My ever patient husband tries to explain to me that all this hitting and rough housing my boys do is normal.  I keep trying to tell him it's not normal for a female.  Why boys feel the need to walk by one another and slap one another across the back of the head is beyone me…

BUT….they do. 


It just so happens that a very good MALE friend of mine called the other night to say hello so I asked him.  Only half believing my husband's explanation of boys I ask him, “What's the deal?  Do your boys do this?”  (He also has three boys.)


My friend just laughs and gives me this wonderful word picture.  He tells me that boys are like puppies.  Have you ever watched a litter of puppies?  They climb all over one another, bite each others ears, snip at one another, get mad, growl, get madder, bark, stop, lick their “you know whats”, and continue on.  Sooner or later one pup gets fed up and heads to their “room” or corner ignoring the other pups for a while and THEN before you know it they are back at it AGAIN.


Okay!!! So now I get it.  There is the male testosterone thing I don't begin to understand but the puppy thing I can relate to that.  So now when my kids are beating the mess out of one another I simply walk by, roll my eyes and look forward to shopping with my 16 month old daughter when she gets a little older.


I got lots of estrogen to burn!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone out there know what I mean???


Oh, and thanks Tony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Letters, Salvation and Obedience

My great Aunt Blanche died this week.  She was 94 years old.  I think about all the things she must have experienced in her life.  She was born in the year 1911….that was a long time ago.  How the world must have changed since she was a young girl.  I know Aunt Blanche suffered alot in her life.  Her husband and her son both committed suicide.  I have never experienced someone close to me commiting suicide so I can only imagine how difficult the experience is.  I can imagine all the unanswered questions, all the “What if's”, all the looking back thinking “Should I have seen it coming?”.  How does one get to the place of peace when something so tragic happens?


After completing my Bible Study last week I felt led to write Aunt Blanche a letter telling her about my faith in Jesus.  It was a simple letter telling her I was praying for her and I loved her and that Jesus was waiting for her if she would only trust in Him.  I've known several people who have died with such a peace, knowing that were soon to meet their Savior.  I've also known others who seem scared or unsure at death.  I don't think I can judge or decide these people's spiritual condition.  But I could not help but wonder if Aunt Blanche knew Jesus.


My letter, however, did not arrive in time.  She died Monday morning before anyone could read the letter to her.  For my husband and I this is the second letter written to someone we knew was dying that didn't reach them before death.  This has made us ponder God's purpose in us writing the letters.


Was is about our obedience to His leading?  Were the letters to be used in someone else's life?  Or did we just not do enough?…..the “too little too late” idea.  I know in my head that I am not responsible for another person's salvation but I also know I will one day be held accountable for my actions as a Christian.  Did I miss His prompting somehow?  I guess I have wondered if her salvation was on my shoulders?  Isn't that silly?  It even sounds untrue typing it. 


Whatever God's purpose for those letters I trust He will show me what He desires for me.  He knows my heart desires to be obedient.  He knows I want to please Him.  A friend of mine told me today that if I was obedient to what God called me to do then that is all I am responsible for.  Again, it's a head knowledge that has not yet pilfered down into my heart. 


I pray my dear Aunt Blanche did indeed know and trust in Jesus.  I hope she's standing right beside him when I get to heaven.


In Christ,


We start ’em young ’round here!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow….

Thanks Jesus for my cheerios!!!!!
