Do boys really ever calm down????

Lately I've been struggling with all the testosterone flowing through my house.  We have 3 boys ages 6,5,4 and then there is my husband.  Oh, even our two cats are boys.  So as I'm talking with my husband the other day wondering why my children can't sit still and play something fun like Chutes and Ladders he tries to explain to me that it would only turn into Shoot and Who Can Be the Loudest!!!



My ever patient husband tries to explain to me that all this hitting and rough housing my boys do is normal.  I keep trying to tell him it's not normal for a female.  Why boys feel the need to walk by one another and slap one another across the back of the head is beyone me…

BUT….they do. 


It just so happens that a very good MALE friend of mine called the other night to say hello so I asked him.  Only half believing my husband's explanation of boys I ask him, “What's the deal?  Do your boys do this?”  (He also has three boys.)


My friend just laughs and gives me this wonderful word picture.  He tells me that boys are like puppies.  Have you ever watched a litter of puppies?  They climb all over one another, bite each others ears, snip at one another, get mad, growl, get madder, bark, stop, lick their “you know whats”, and continue on.  Sooner or later one pup gets fed up and heads to their “room” or corner ignoring the other pups for a while and THEN before you know it they are back at it AGAIN.


Okay!!! So now I get it.  There is the male testosterone thing I don't begin to understand but the puppy thing I can relate to that.  So now when my kids are beating the mess out of one another I simply walk by, roll my eyes and look forward to shopping with my 16 month old daughter when she gets a little older.


I got lots of estrogen to burn!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone out there know what I mean???


Oh, and thanks Tony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Entrepreneurs says:

    My boys are 13, 10, 9, and 5, and I see no evidence that they will calm down. I am trying to channel that energy in positive ways, of course, but sometimes it’s a challenge. . . .

    The puppy metaphor is right on!

    Despite all the tusseling, though, it’s clear that my boys really do love one another. When I dropped my 10yo and 13yo off for a Scout campout last night, the 9yo and 5 yo kept going back to hug them another time. I could tell they were really going to miss them. What a sweet moment!

    Mary Jo Tate

    who also has 5 male cats and one lone female cat

  2. My sons are 16, almost 14, 7.5, 5 & ll mths & 2 tom cats. They sure keep things lively for us girls!

  3. tn3jcarter says:

    that the other 2 commenters here each have 4 boys and then male cats as well. I was thinking about that the other day. We’ve got George the cat in the house and then are looking to adopt a LARGE male dog. I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment. Somehow it just feels right now to always be surrounded by boys!

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