
I want to say Thank God it’s Friday but I thank God for each day he gives me.  I also thank him that I’m just passing through!!!!  Praise God!

I went to the DR again yesterday for another round of blood work and ultrasound.  The cyst on my ovary remains.  The blood work (CA125) will not be back until Monday.  I saw a different OB/GYN yesterday.  Mine was off.  I liked him and he seemed quite content with removing only one ovary and leaving everything else.  That felt much more inline with my Spirit.

So we wait until Monday and continue to pray that God will remove the cyst.  That it is not cancerous.

O LORD my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.   Psalms 30:2 KJV

Apple picking!~

Forever and a day…..

That’s how long it feels like it’s been since I last posted.  Between homeschool, class on Tuesday, couponing, football and the rest of life I have no extra time.  And what extra time I do have is spent cleaning, cooking or sleeping.

Can any one relate?
Tap, tap….
Anyone there…..?

We did manage to get to the apple orchard one day last week.


‘Tis the season….
of campfires,
the tv set up outside,
teke torches ( I have no idea how to spell that)
and football!!

Our oldest son is a running back and I’m so proud of the way he jukes his way through a field of offending tacklers!!!

Here he is at a recent game….
Oh, and I guess it would help you if I told you he’s the one with the ball #23

For some reason "You Can’t Catch Me I’m the Gingerbread Man" runs through my head when I watch him run.

You go son!  Mom and Dad need all the scholarships they can get to send you guys to college!!!

Through the eyes of a child

While I was taking photos at the football game the other night Baby Girl was doing the same thing with my miniature Fuji I keep in my pocketbook. 
I find it so interesting to see things through their eyes when I download them onto my computer.

Here are things through the eyes of a 5 year old on a football evening….
L-Man must have taken this one

No doubt she was the camera holder here:

Let’s see how we look at arm’s length:

Oh and here comes Mom.  Doesn’t she have a beautiful expression on her face.  And notice that fancy orthopedic shoe!!  She’s hot I tell ya!

From Baby Girl……

Oh my have we hit the ground running!

This school year has started off with a boom!
I can’t believe how busy life has been.
Football season has also started which makes me and my hubbie fall into the bed EXHAUSTED at the end of every day.
Here’s C-man

And J-Man

And baby girl

And L-man showing off his candy colored teeth….

Here’s the beginning of a hard fought game in which we lost.  Losing is a bummer when it happens over and over again.  That’s C-man again #8!  He’s my main man during kickoffs!

On the homeschool front Language Arts is challenging to say the least as we’ve begun Classical Conversations this year.  I love it though.  It’s great and I can not say enough good things about it.  We go to school on Tuesdays at a local church where all the kids do History, Art, Science, Latin, Geography and a little Math.  Then the older two boys do LA after lunch.  I travel between all the rooms helping support the tutors and learning myself.  Then all  week long we work on the material they were taught plus add Math and Reading.  Our days are longer especially with Baby Girl in K5 now.  Thankfully her work is simple and she is an eager learner.

I’m hoping by the Holidays all will be calm and smooth sailing as we adjust to a new year with different curriculum.

I got a clean bill of health from the orthopedic surgeon today concerning my foot.  The bone has healed and even tho my foot swells he believes I sprained my foot when I broke it and it will just take some time to recover from that.

I return to the dr.  next month to have CA125 blood test and ultrasound done again.  I’m praying the cyst on my left ovary is gone and believing God for a normal test result.

That’s about all going on here (as if that’s not enough)
We’re also on day 2 of one week without TV.
My kids are already behaving better.



The boys are sitting by the campfire tonight.  It’s actually cool here.  And tonight began college football.  The best time of the year if you ask my husband.  He could live from sept to dec every year over and over again and skip all the other months

So we girls (all two of us) decided to take a bath and use our special conditioner from Aunt Lyn.  Baby girl thinks it smells wonderful!

So just as we climb in the bed baby girl lunges from the bed yelling over her shoulder, "Mom, I forgot something."

And back she skips with her Bible.  "We forgot to read about Jesus mommy.  Find a page with lots of words about Jesus on it, okay mommy?"

So I open her beautiful bible and begin reading in Acts.  Jesus has died and Peter and John are getting in trouble for preaching and healing guys!  Go Figure!

So as I read about the Holy Spirit and how they would rather die than not preach the gospel I watch my baby’s eyes slowly flutter down.  I kept reading long after she’s asleep.  Not for her but for me.

And Peace, Beautiful Peace once again rested over my heart.  My very own daughter loves to read the bible, her bible at night.  She longs to know about Jesus.  She loves him already.  She may be one of those who has loved him from birth.  God told me she would do great things for him before she was even born.

Now as I watch her sweet heart shaped mouth open, her chest rise and fall, her hands held together as the thumb has just slipped from her mouth I am reminded of how often I need to climb in my Daddy’s bed and listen to his songs and his words to me.  How I yearn to feel safe and cared for.

With Princess Blankie tucked firmly under her chin she is safe.
Safe in her mommy’s bed.
Safe in her daddy’s home.
Safe from having listened to the Word.
Cared For.

"Oh Father may she always have such a tender heart for you.  Your prophetess, your child.  And may you always remind me you hold me just as tenderly in your hands."

Short and Sweet

For all of you waiting to hear.  My biopsy was normal yesterday.  My blood test CA125 was elevated above the normal of 35.  Mine was 42.3.
Will retest in one month.
Praying and believing they will be normal then.
More later.


Today my test results are supposed to come back.  I’m not anxious or fearful and feel the peace of my sisters and brothers praying for me.  My birth dad, his name is Aaron, sent me the sweetest note this morning.  He, as well as my birth mom are Christians.  Is that not the coolest thing or what??  I have this huge family now that all love the Lord.
I’m blessed.

This is a good friend of mine’s dog "Cocoa-bean".  Isn’t she a mess??

When Fear Comes Knocking…

If you asked most of my friends you would find that I tend to be a "standing in the gap" person.  I enjoy praying for others and feel it an honor to do so.

This year, however, we’ve had a broken arm, a broken foot, a broken toe, more "abnormal cells" to be removed from my skin, and then yesterday an ultrasound that showed polyps and a cyst in my uterus and left ovary.

And as I left the doctor, fear came knocking.  I could feel Satan’s talons trying hard to get a grip on my heart and fill it with fear.  It was a physical feeling. 

It’s an unusual feeling for me.  But as I got home and began to call friends to ask them to pray I realized this was a time I needed people standing in the gap for me.  It was my turn to "need people"… need intercessory prayer. 

I have felt the prayers of the saints, my friends lifting me up to the Father.  And I am so thankful when I can’t pray for myself Jesus and others pray for me. 

And now my kids are begging for breakfast and help with school.  So I must go.

Pray if you feel led.
Always in HIS grip………

Thursday happenings…

I awoke again this morning before any of the kids.  I just couldn’t sleep anymore.  The house is quiet.  I love a quiet house.  It’s noisy all day long, which is okay too with my four plus one more tromping around, but the quiet.  Oh how I love the quiet.  Sometimes I stay up too late at night just because it’s quiet.  It’s the time my soul rests, no one is pulling at me and I can just be me, with God and my cup of coffee.

Big Fat Fred and our other kitty Cruiser are wrestling in the den.  Every once in a while I hear a cry because, well, Fred out weighs Cruiser by like a thousand pounds.

Baby Girl slept in the camper last night with Daddy all alone.  Special time with dad.  I love it when she wants that from him.  I love it that he loves her wanting him.  Before her broken arm episode she was a daddy’s girl all the way.  But the accident changed something.  Maybe it was because I was at the hospital with her for the surgeries and the ER visit.  But she became a mommy’s girl after all that.  I think she’s slowiy sliding back to being a daddy’s girl.  And I’m way ok being second best!!!

We start school on Monday.  Tonight I have a big meeting with the Classical Conversations group we will be attending on Tuesdays.  We’ll be going through the LA portion that my older two will be learning in the afternoon.   Three hours of LA…….ugh. 

I think we’re going to have a good school year although I’m not sure what it’s going to look like at all since we’re adding a day of CC.  It’s not going to be a text book year.  I hope we all love it.

My foot is healing well although it still feels really fat in shoes.  It swells at times still and it’s my ankle that hurts the most at the end of the day.  The doctor says it’s because I didn’t move it for so long.  I’ve tried a bit of swimming but that certainly hurts the most.  For now I’m trying different shoes to see which work best.

That’s about it around here.
Football is in full swing.  4 nights a week we practice. 
That’s a lot of practice.
But God gave my husband and the other coaches a great little team.  Determined, Strong.  Coachable.
What more could they want???

So, bye for now.
No photos to post today.
