Thursday happenings…

I awoke again this morning before any of the kids.  I just couldn’t sleep anymore.  The house is quiet.  I love a quiet house.  It’s noisy all day long, which is okay too with my four plus one more tromping around, but the quiet.  Oh how I love the quiet.  Sometimes I stay up too late at night just because it’s quiet.  It’s the time my soul rests, no one is pulling at me and I can just be me, with God and my cup of coffee.

Big Fat Fred and our other kitty Cruiser are wrestling in the den.  Every once in a while I hear a cry because, well, Fred out weighs Cruiser by like a thousand pounds.

Baby Girl slept in the camper last night with Daddy all alone.  Special time with dad.  I love it when she wants that from him.  I love it that he loves her wanting him.  Before her broken arm episode she was a daddy’s girl all the way.  But the accident changed something.  Maybe it was because I was at the hospital with her for the surgeries and the ER visit.  But she became a mommy’s girl after all that.  I think she’s slowiy sliding back to being a daddy’s girl.  And I’m way ok being second best!!!

We start school on Monday.  Tonight I have a big meeting with the Classical Conversations group we will be attending on Tuesdays.  We’ll be going through the LA portion that my older two will be learning in the afternoon.   Three hours of LA…….ugh. 

I think we’re going to have a good school year although I’m not sure what it’s going to look like at all since we’re adding a day of CC.  It’s not going to be a text book year.  I hope we all love it.

My foot is healing well although it still feels really fat in shoes.  It swells at times still and it’s my ankle that hurts the most at the end of the day.  The doctor says it’s because I didn’t move it for so long.  I’ve tried a bit of swimming but that certainly hurts the most.  For now I’m trying different shoes to see which work best.

That’s about it around here.
Football is in full swing.  4 nights a week we practice. 
That’s a lot of practice.
But God gave my husband and the other coaches a great little team.  Determined, Strong.  Coachable.
What more could they want???

So, bye for now.
No photos to post today.


  1. basketflat says:

    Sorry about your foot. It sounds like an exciting adventure with homeschooling this year – but I have to ask you what does CC mean?? That's a neat story about your daughter. How special to be the only girl with a Daddy. I love quiet times too…I have to ask for it not just from my kids though, but from my husband! I love his enthusiasm though.


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