Oh my have we hit the ground running!

This school year has started off with a boom!
I can’t believe how busy life has been.
Football season has also started which makes me and my hubbie fall into the bed EXHAUSTED at the end of every day.
Here’s C-man

And J-Man

And baby girl

And L-man showing off his candy colored teeth….

Here’s the beginning of a hard fought game in which we lost.  Losing is a bummer when it happens over and over again.  That’s C-man again #8!  He’s my main man during kickoffs!

On the homeschool front Language Arts is challenging to say the least as we’ve begun Classical Conversations this year.  I love it though.  It’s great and I can not say enough good things about it.  We go to school on Tuesdays at a local church where all the kids do History, Art, Science, Latin, Geography and a little Math.  Then the older two boys do LA after lunch.  I travel between all the rooms helping support the tutors and learning myself.  Then all  week long we work on the material they were taught plus add Math and Reading.  Our days are longer especially with Baby Girl in K5 now.  Thankfully her work is simple and she is an eager learner.

I’m hoping by the Holidays all will be calm and smooth sailing as we adjust to a new year with different curriculum.

I got a clean bill of health from the orthopedic surgeon today concerning my foot.  The bone has healed and even tho my foot swells he believes I sprained my foot when I broke it and it will just take some time to recover from that.

I return to the dr.  next month to have CA125 blood test and ultrasound done again.  I’m praying the cyst on my left ovary is gone and believing God for a normal test result.

That’s about all going on here (as if that’s not enough)
We’re also on day 2 of one week without TV.
My kids are already behaving better.



  1. Sounds like your CC classes are really good. We just started going to a once a week co-op in a nearby town. I think it's going to be good for us too.

  2. barrynmissy1972 says:

    I am soooooo tired right now. My husband is gone on a business trip and after having two football games to attend and the practices and my other children's activities- I will be so glad to pick my hubby up tonight from the airport!!!!

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