Now you see it….
Now you don't!!!
Now you see it….
Now you don't!!!
My friend I wrote about earlier, Kelly, lost her baby girl, Andie on Thursday. Andie was born at 26 weeks. Kelly's mom just called me today. Please pray for them. Andie got an infection and couldn't fight it. Kelly and her husband Chris are so devastated.
I saw this here and had to try it! Go check out Di's list.
Deep breath…..okay, here goes.
100 Things about ME and My family
After my 6 mile long comment at kindredspiritMom's blog I decided just to copy and post here. So here was my day……on top of my hormones, I set out to conquer the world today without even knowing it. I have worn myself slap out.
After 8am yoga for almost 2 hours, where my instructor tried to get the front of my thighs, my belly button and a couple of coconuts flat onto a wall for some type of strange/strange torture yoga pose (I couldn't do it. my thighs were killing me.). THEN I left the chinese torture chamber feeling alive and refreshed (much to my amazement), ran to Stuffmart for all those fruits and veggies I'm eating and came home to help my friend Melinda finish painting our boys room. We're turning the upstairs loft into their room. Three coats of paint on one wall, two on all the rest. A quick shower and off to pick up # 1 son from school.
Then I drop off the carpool kids, hit the paint store ONE MORE time. And back home to move two rooms of furniture up the steps and then down the steps. My office had so grown to the size of an overstuffed potato. I've accumulated so much junk in my office!!
By this time all of my children are about to kill one another they are so hungry so it's time to cook dinner! Hubbie cleans the kitchen, which he does very well I might add and we straighten up the new room (my husbands idea NOT MINE). Thankfully he's the one who toted the bus load of office stuff down the stairs while I hooked up the computer
Finally all the kids are down but the boys are making so much racket in their NEW room I think the paint fumes have warped their brains.
My lower back is killing me and I'm ready to fall asleep while my hubbie watches me type. Oh well…off to read blogs. I need a margarita and a heating pad!!!
My hubbie walked in the door tonight as a huge surprise. He wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow. Yea!!!
We're sitting here watching American Idol and I'm reading blogs.
I did fairly well today eating my fruits and veggies but I really need to get to the grocery store tomorrow to stock up. We're out of milk and eggs too. (See, if I had a cow and some chickens this would never happen.)
We got a little school work done today. I'm still trying to decide about curriculum for next year. There are just too many choices.
Well, going to spend some time with my hubbie.
Until tomorrow…..
Bury yourself in HIM!
I need help with a couple of things that need prayer:
Thanks so much for those prayer warriors out there. I'll keep you informed. If you haven't read the Butterfly Resurrection Story I posted a day or two ago. Keep scrolling down. It's worth the read.
Okay, get this.
We're on our way out of Ingles (local grocery store) today and there is this butterfly lying right outside the automatic doors on the ground. He appears very dead. But all the kids notice him and so I pick him up to bring him home thinking I'll pin him on some foam board or something and we can start an insect collection.
By the time we get to the car my oldest son is talking about how God can bring it back to life if He wants to. And I began explaining how it may not be God's will to bring him back to life but if he wanted to pray for that he could.
So as I'm loading the groceries into the car he's just “apraying” away. I had set the butterfly in the front seat and all the kids are huddled around watching it. So I'm thinking “Oh God….please show yourself to my son.” You know, one of those “I sure hope this works.” prayers.
As I sat down behind the wheel of the car the butterfly's legs start moving. By the time we get home his wings are slowly moving up and down. So I tell oldest son to keep praying and set him gently on the flowers. About 10 minutes later my son comes running inside with the butterfly in his hands and the thing jumps out of his hands and flies all around the kitchen. Alive as alive can be.
So after catching the thing again. This time it was much more difficult! I take it outside to gently place it back on a flower but it flies from my hands happy and alive and flutters off into the spring air.
As I walk back inside I think…
“Faith like that of a child”
Thank you God for showing my child (and ME) pure and simple faith. …………..julie
I don't have time to properly blog about it now but check out this website. This is a homeschool mom of 10 and God has blessed her with much wisdom.
Never would I have imagined what the Lord showed me during the movie. As Rose was meeting Jack God had me paying extra attention. As she ran with him around the ship experiencing things she had never before allowed herself to experience because of her position in life the Lord whispered to me, “This is what I want our relationship to be like Julie.”
Me…“What Lord?”
The Lord….“I want you to trust me enough to take you to places you've never been before.”
Tear filled my eyes.
“I am wild. I am beyond anything you've experienced before if you will just trust me. Do you trust me Julie?”
I watched the movie with new eyes as Jack drew Rose to himself. Oh, how the Lord wants to romance me and draw me to Himself. He wants me to learn to spit overboard, dance in the depth of the ship, stand poised at the bow, follow Him into the unknown. He loves me. He's crazy about me. He wants to rescue me from myself. He wants me to chase him around with passion in my heart. He wants me to trust Him.
And in the end, just like Jack died for Rose, He died for me. He died to give me life. And as in the ending of The Titanic HE is waiting for me in Heaven. Having made a place for me, maybe even my very own color. But He waits for me with love and passion and a longing for one God has given Him to be his own.
His bride.
If you've never watched the movie maybe you can do so with a new set of eyes. If you've seen it before maybe another run through will show you the loving wild abandon of Jesus.
He's nuts over us.
Resting in His Wildness tonight….
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