
Our Little Angel
I could just eat her she's so sweet!!!

My hubbie walked in the door tonight as a huge surprise.  He wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow.  Yea!!!

We're sitting here watching American Idol and I'm reading blogs. 

I did fairly well today eating my fruits and veggies but I really need to get to the grocery store tomorrow to stock up.  We're out of milk and eggs too.  (See, if I had a cow and some chickens this would never happen.)

We got a little school work done today.  I'm still trying to decide about curriculum for next year.  There are just too many choices. 

Well, going to spend some time with my hubbie.
Until tomorrow…..
Bury yourself in HIM!


  1. Your daughter is so precious! I love how small children look like they don’t have a care in the world. Such trust they place in us 🙂

    Enjoy the evening with your honey.


  2. 3menandalittlelady says:

    Our children are pretty close in age. My oldest will be 8 on saturday, then it goes 6, 4, and 3. My girl is the baby. We decided to homeschool the 6yr old this year and are starting the others next school yr. It is a tough decision! But sometimes it comes slowly! Your kids are cuties!;-)



  3. what a kissy-doodle! that is one cute kid you’ve got there.


  4. MySmokyMtnHomeschool says:

    I know you must be very proud.

    What a nice surprise your dh coming home early. I hope you have a good weekend, and get to spend lots of fun time together.

    Have a Happy Easter.


    Amy Beth <><

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