Yum Yum


This is what happens when you give a 4 year old a pair of pliers…


  1. thewestiecrew says:

    What a cute couple of sweeties you have there!!

    Gayle 🙂

  2. tn3jcarter says:

    I was trying to use the URL from the Kodak photo gallery, but I guess that doesn’t work, huh? So I redid the pics and flickr and started over again. Now you should be able to see um.

    And you can see my baby chick post. Warning they’re cute. They’ll make you want some! Kind of like all the cute babies at the zoo. ; o )

  3. MSAcademy says:

    Oh my goodness, how adorable!!!!!!!! Your children are so precious – even your son with the pliers on his nose. Great photography. I’m jealous of your daughter’s long eyelashes too. Wow!



  4. Your DD is your TWIN! She’s got your eyes and EVERTHING! You son looks just like DH too–WOW! And trust me they do, non of my DC look like me…ugh…

    God Bless,


  5. OreoSouza says:

    I LOVE these photos! Thanks for posting them.

    And on the Saxon/MathUSee thing…they both are taught and learned in such different ways that it really depends on how your kids learn best. Or in my case, how I teach best. I use Saxon with most of my children, and a couple other curriculums with my hardsell kids. But MathUSee doesn’t compute with me, so I don’t recommend it…for me. 😀

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