A big day at our house

Well, yesterday was a big day around here.  My four year old learned to ride his bike without training wheels.  He was so excited.  We haven't been able to get him off his bike, even after dark.  He's turning and riding down the hill now.  We're so proud of him.  Here are a few pictures from yesterday.  This was before we found the bike helmet so we substitued with a football helmet. 

Also, my 7 year old scored his first touchdown tonight and my 6 year old carried the ball in the game for the first time. 

My babies are growing up.

The Best Dad in the World!!

We have the best dad in the world.

After caring for 4 baby kittens for 8 weeks we we took the remaining two kittens to our local pet store last night so they could find a home for them.  I did it by myself which I think was harder than having the kids with me.  Both my older boys had a football game last night so I dropped off the kittens on the way to the football game.  I felt like I'd given away one of my children.

I didn't sleep well last night and kept trying to let my head win over my heart where the kittens were concerned.  So this morning we went by to see the kittens and also talked to all the birds, hamsters, mice, tarantulas and various animals as we held and petted the kittens. 

My oldest son was so sad he cried when we left.  Trying to be rational I talked to him as I held him about the expense of kittens and animals…..the food, vet bills etc.

I had already decided we were going to take the morning off from school since the weather here is turning so very beautiful.  So as we headed for the park we continued to talk about the responsibility of animals. 

We called dad while we were at the park with our “sad missing the kittens” voices and he decided to meet us a little later with pizza for lunch.  When he arrived he also had a box.  Guess what was in the box?  Both of the kittens!

What a wonderful kind loving father he is.  He's not a cat fan and sacrificed his own desires for that of his long-faced children and wife.

I think that will certainly get an extra crown in heaven don't you?
Basking in His LIGHT,

Labor Day Weekend

This is how you get
ready for bed

First, a little alphabet beanbag while we dance to Barney.

Then we make sure all the bedding is “just so”

One must have on pink sunglasses and designer shoes that mom got real cheap off of Ebay.  (She sleeps with this stuff on!)

Now we're ready to crawl under the covers!
Girl Style!

I did it! I did it!

I entered this entry last night but for some reason it's gone today.  Oh, well.
I entered a photo contest at Shutterfly.com.  It's Summertime photos.  Please go and vote for me.  Here's the link…..CLICK HERE
If I win….oh, I'd be so excited.
So I'm begging shamelessly……..PPLLEEAASSEE Go vote for my photo (you can also view all the other entries).

And here's a second entry into the School Days contest.  Not quite as good a photo but it captures these two.  CLICK HERE to vote for me in this contest too.

hey you!


This entry is visible to only you.  Enjoy!

A busy weekend

We had a busy weekend.  I much prefer “not busy” weekends.  I don't do well if I try to cram too much into a day.  God has given me the wisdom to know that trying to do too much equals one stressed out mama.  So even the days I plan too much I always end up deleting things off the calender to the point I feel I can get through the day and still be sane.

One of the hardest adjustments for me has been evening football practices.  I love being at home after dinner and having a leisurely evening….well, as leisurely as one can have with 4 small kids.  But now we have football practice three nights a week.  I usually stay home with the baby while my hubbie takes the boys to practice.  He helps to coach so I'm having to get used to evenings that are different than the way our lives have been up to this point.

Our kids love football so it's wonderful to see them come home all sweaty and hot and ready for a shower.   But it's also an indication that my boys are growing up.  I'm so glad I have them at home for school.  I'll blink my eyes and they will be getting married one day.

So here are some pictures from their first football game this weekend.  They won 14-6! 

Enjoy and then go kiss all your kids so they don't grow up too fast.

My hubbie and #1 son

My hubbie encouraging his boys!!

That's my oldest son in the middle on his knee after carrying the ball for 30 yards!!

My hubbie and #2 son waiting to go into the game.

#3 son and baby girl behind his left shoulder (your right) eating an icee.

Want a big ole dose of WISDOM???

So, do you need a big OLE dose of some WISDOM??
If so check out OreoSouza's post here!!
She's so wise.

Before and After

This weekend my hubbie took the kids to see my mom while my good friend Amy and I pulled a While You Were Out on his office.  He knew we were redoing his office and had given us complete control over it.  We had a theme, Amy shopped for “do-dads”, photo frames and paint.  She's much better at all that than I am and she's a great friend.  Plus, isn't spending someone else's money way more fun than spending your own???

We accomplished the redesign in 48 hours from beginning to end.  The only thing we'd bought before Friday was the chair we were using in his office.  Friday we purchased the desk, the accessories, the paint and all the pictures for the walls.

Friday night I taped off the room and hoped to get it primed but that didn't happen until Saturday morning.  So on Saturday we primed, painted, trimmed and decorated his entire office.  Plus we put two bookshelves together from out of those horrible boxes.

All this and Amy and I are still friends.  I continue to encourage her to design on her own.  She's SO talented.  She's wonderful at using things I already own and adding only what she needs to accomplish the look she wants.  She's helped me in almost every room of my house and she knows I now trust her completely because I'm letting her talk me into blue for the bathroom.  She believes I have a blue and a floral anti-feddish.  I think she's right.  If you ever need her in your neck of the woods just give me a shout!!  I'll send her your way.

Anyway…..here are before and after photos of the office.

Some horrid white washed wall board that was a bugger to prime and paint

THE PROCESS:::Priming the walls with OIL paint.  Yep, I lost a few brain cells.

And TA-DA”   the complted project.  What do you think???

What did you do this weekend?

This weekend was really special.  My husband baptized our good friend Tom.  Watching his wife watch him was so special.  She got all teary-eyed and you could just tell how much watching him meant to her.  We waited until the sun was setting to begin.  It was such a perfect day. 

And my best friend, Andrea, was here this weekend too.  I love having her around. 

And we had a communion service Sunday night that was so awesome.  Mmmmm….I wish church was always like that.

So, what did you do?

A rough couple of days

I've never really dealt with PMS but the last 2 months have been horrible.  I've spent two days (yesterday and today) feeling so “not me”.  It's the worst feeling.  Today has progressed into feeling weepy and like such a bad mom.  My emotions are all over the place.  My patience left with ice age I think.

My husband has been so gracious to care for the kids, let me rest and wait this one out.  I yearn for it to be over as I'm sure he does.  He's such a great dad and husband.  God has given me a gift in him and I don't tell him enough, I love you honey.  So “I love you honey.  Thanks for putting up with me when I feel so unloveable.”

