A busy weekend

We had a busy weekend.  I much prefer “not busy” weekends.  I don't do well if I try to cram too much into a day.  God has given me the wisdom to know that trying to do too much equals one stressed out mama.  So even the days I plan too much I always end up deleting things off the calender to the point I feel I can get through the day and still be sane.

One of the hardest adjustments for me has been evening football practices.  I love being at home after dinner and having a leisurely evening….well, as leisurely as one can have with 4 small kids.  But now we have football practice three nights a week.  I usually stay home with the baby while my hubbie takes the boys to practice.  He helps to coach so I'm having to get used to evenings that are different than the way our lives have been up to this point.

Our kids love football so it's wonderful to see them come home all sweaty and hot and ready for a shower.   But it's also an indication that my boys are growing up.  I'm so glad I have them at home for school.  I'll blink my eyes and they will be getting married one day.

So here are some pictures from their first football game this weekend.  They won 14-6! 

Enjoy and then go kiss all your kids so they don't grow up too fast.

My hubbie and #1 son

My hubbie encouraging his boys!!

That's my oldest son in the middle on his knee after carrying the ball for 30 yards!!

My hubbie and #2 son waiting to go into the game.

#3 son and baby girl behind his left shoulder (your right) eating an icee.


  1. Julie, I loved the pictures! I love the one with your husband and #2 son, where your husband has his hand on your son’s head. We didn’t do football, but did do baseball. Doug coached and was on the advisory committee. We can’t just play lol. It was hectic during those years, but now they’ve all outgrown baseball. Our evenings are still different though since Doug now works then. I am slowly adjusting. You’d think I’d have the hang of it now since he started this in April. But no….I don’t.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and see how you are doing. I’m going to finish reading your blog now 🙂


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