Before and After

This weekend my hubbie took the kids to see my mom while my good friend Amy and I pulled a While You Were Out on his office.  He knew we were redoing his office and had given us complete control over it.  We had a theme, Amy shopped for “do-dads”, photo frames and paint.  She's much better at all that than I am and she's a great friend.  Plus, isn't spending someone else's money way more fun than spending your own???

We accomplished the redesign in 48 hours from beginning to end.  The only thing we'd bought before Friday was the chair we were using in his office.  Friday we purchased the desk, the accessories, the paint and all the pictures for the walls.

Friday night I taped off the room and hoped to get it primed but that didn't happen until Saturday morning.  So on Saturday we primed, painted, trimmed and decorated his entire office.  Plus we put two bookshelves together from out of those horrible boxes.

All this and Amy and I are still friends.  I continue to encourage her to design on her own.  She's SO talented.  She's wonderful at using things I already own and adding only what she needs to accomplish the look she wants.  She's helped me in almost every room of my house and she knows I now trust her completely because I'm letting her talk me into blue for the bathroom.  She believes I have a blue and a floral anti-feddish.  I think she's right.  If you ever need her in your neck of the woods just give me a shout!!  I'll send her your way.

Anyway… are before and after photos of the office.

Some horrid white washed wall board that was a bugger to prime and paint

THE PROCESS:::Priming the walls with OIL paint.  Yep, I lost a few brain cells.

And TA-DA”   the complted project.  What do you think???


  1. FarmGirlShelley says:

    WOW that is awesome! You did a great job. It looks amazing. When can you come do a room for me? LOL! he he he!!! Hope you are all feeling better.


  2. tn3jcarter says:

    What’s the name of the color on the wall? I really like it. Nice & warm and contrasted nicely with the white trim and the wood. I bet Tripp loves it!

  3. That is an INCREDIBLE transformation! You guys got a lot done in such a short time. I never could have gotten all that painting done…maybe in 2 weeks 🙂 What a sweet surprise for your DH. Congratulations on a way cool transformation!

  4. The office looks so good, now I want to go paint a room!! I need to do my boys room again in a paint that can be cleaned if marked.

    I love everything you and your friend did. Tell her she did a wonderful job.

    And about the field trip, that water looks really nice. And I wish they made inexpencive strollers that you can take out on hikes like that.

    Have a good day today,


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