How did you spend Good Friday?

To the King of King and the Lord of Lords…

Our Good Friday…unedited.

Wouldn’t be the beach without a little tag football….

Dad and #2 son making a plan

#1 son with friend making game plan…

a little brotherly competition…

a little chatting with the opposition…

and the fake out…

#3 son ate and then fed the birds in hopes of mom getting her “perfect” shot…

this one had to be close to perfect.  check out that color!

Happy Easter!

In the darkest of the dark…

I had a tough day yesterday.  I listened to two Beth Moore teachings and went to our last Dave Ramsey class last night.  In the tough day and in the pressing into the Lord I listened to Beth ask, “In the darkest of the dark place do you believe God gives or takes?”


What do you say to that but to look deeply inward and ask yourself, “Do I really trust Him?”

Am I Abraham?

Do I believe and trust in miracles unseen?

Am I Job?

Do I believe God gives, He can take, and then He gives back ten fold?  Always.

It’s his character.  He’s a giver.

I want to trust Him and see myself as His manager.  I manage His children, I manage His money, I see after His house, I drive His car.

Thinking of myself as His manager takes a lot of pressure off of me.  Ownership implies a more powerful holding on.  Managing implies an openness, a flowing, a giving and a taking.

I don’t want the responsibility of ownership even though I sometimes take it upon myself without even realizing I’ve done so.

I want to be free.  Free to love, trust and obey.

Free to swing barefooted with my pant legs unbuttoned and my head spinning from the love and the grace shown to me by the one who knit me together in my mother’s womb.

“Lord, set me free.”

Fred…the rather large cat.

Fred has recently decided that my office chair is his favorite to plop his big ole….well….self!

Unlike everything else that you lose when you become a wife, mother, and pet owner eventually they take your stinkin chair.

So with out further ado, I give you Fred.  Anyone want to guess his weight now???

Just so it’s all fair and you know what you are up against.  Here Fred is in all his glory in MY chair.

Here is his top story…

Here are the middle floors….take a good look.

And here is the bottom floor…

Look at those cougar sized feet!

So now you have the full view in a big office chair.  What ‘cha thinkin’?  Anyone guessing he’s topping the scales near 20.  You guess and I’ll wrangle him to weigh him.  You’ll have to click on the other links in this post to see his previous weight!  I’ll come up with some yummy surprise for the winner!  Pass it around.

Oh and on a couponing note I CVSed last Sunday and spent 16 and saved 75!!!!  Yippee


Odd man out…

I’m guessing everyone feels like the odd man out at times, but, I also wonder how many feel that way most of the time.  How many go through life without seeing themselves as special, God-crafted, different…but for a purpose.

We have been blessed with farm fresh eggs.  When one of my best buddies from SC visited she brought a dozen with her as well.  I really didn’t see the entire 12.  She saved one for me to see.  I think “he”, as we now call him, is quite special.  Yes, he’s different and sticks out like a sore thumb but he’s cute, and green, and that makes him all the more special.  He also reminds me of my dear friend who carried him 7 hours to my house.

For those of us who wander through life wondering why God made us so different I wonder what would happen if we stopped and asked the Father how He sees us.  I’m guessing He sees us similar to that green egg.  Marvelously and wonderfully different.  Similar to others but completely unique.  Sweet.  Memorable.  Fragile and delicate.  I also wonder if we remind him of his Son…..the most special egg in the bunch.  And even though he was God in the flesh, most did not recognize his uniqueness.  Most made fun of him.  Some killed him.

Do you know someone like my precious green egg?  Take the time to tell them how wonderful they are.

Do you feel like the green egg?  Then I have a Word for you.  You are loved.  You are unique.  You weren’t a mistake.  You are perfectly made by a perfect Father who has a specific purpose for your life.  You, dear one, are HIS sweet little green egg.

Just for Fun! MCP Week 13

Week 13 Just for Fun

A romp on the beach in 60 degree weather.  They even braved the cold water!  Blue feet and hands told them it was just a little too cold to swim as of yet.  We had a blast anyway!!

Before braving the cold water all the kids raced into the wind.  It was so strong they had trouble racing.

A new lens!

For Christmas Rocketman graced me with a new lens.  I am still trying to figure the darn thing out and am having more trouble shooting with it than I’d like.  But since I’ve sold my other two lenses that I used before getting this one I’m stuck with trying to figure it out.  It’s a Tamron 18-270mm IS Lens and I can’t take a clear shot for the life of me.  I tried several today in the yard and others at the boys flag football game but UGH I’m struggling.

Here’s a couple that turned out ok.

That’s Fred…the rather large cat!  Anyone remember that post and his weight?

Here’s one of the azaleas blooming in the yard.

It seems if the object is still I can capture it but if it moves a hair I’m toast.  Any advice out there??  Tap.  Tap.  ????

Almost nailing it!

Today Jodi at MCP Actions told us how to catch a cool photo of a water droplet.

I took a shot at it today when I had an extra spare 30 seconds.  Even tho I didn’t nail it I thought the photo was kinda cool!

On Fishing…

Florida provided a beautiful weekend this past weekend and we had our eyes set on a trip to the beach….not in bathing suits but just to walk and see the water. Clouds rolled in which cut some of the warmth out of the air so we decided on fishing instead.  It’s been a while since we’ve been because it’s just been cold, down right cold.

We weren’t encouraged when the bread we tossed in the water wasn’t even eaten by a turtle but we went through our assortments of beetle spins, grape worms and just plain ole bread!  We were about to give up when our youngest son snagged what appeared to be the only fish in the pond.  We huddled around to see what he would bring to the surface.

Baby Girl is usually the master (only) fisherman when she joins her dad at the pond so she’s gotten herself quite a name in these parts!  (These parts being our family…all 6 of us!)

But the baby boy came up with this prize this day!  Boy was he proud.  Check out that fish!  It had to be ten feel long don’t ‘cha think?  Just had to be!  And no, Lisa, we did not eat him.  He’s happily swimming with his buddy Rocky and his tube shaped hamburger deep within the lake.  Happy as a little camper, just the way you make me.

He’s a looker!!!!!  Especially with the worm we call Hannah Montana in his mouth.  It’s very sparkly!

MCP Actions Week 4

Soothing repetition…..

The way her hair falls in her face….

MCP Action Week 3 – Black and White

My black and white of the week.  It’s all I could get done!
