Fred the Rather Large Cat – WINNER and a homeschool lesson

Well the truth about Fred is out!
He’s a hefty…..drum roll please…..

16.7 pounds!

And the winner is Cathy over at At Home On Basket Flat
Cathy, email me with your address and I’ll get your Wendy’s card right out!  Hey, and enjoy a frosty on me!!

Nancy, how many chickens you think that will get me??

In other news….
I’m actually posting another homeschool post!
I know, you’re floored!!
Today I had enough energy to do something other than just plain ole school work.  So history got acted out with some Christmas toys!!

We’re studying Jamestown and the first 13 colonies.  We sang them to the tune of "Happy Birthday to You".  And it worked pretty well.  We remembered about 5 of them so we’ll practice again tomorrow.

Here are a few snapshots from today…

In our history book Jamestown was originally triangular in shape so we made ours the same way.

Complete with women cooking…

and men working…

Here’s our corral.  Pioneer Woman would be proud!

Between the settlement and the woods where the Indians lived there were wild animals.  It was a very dangerous time!!  (alligators, bears and wild horses)

Here’s the general layout of the land!

Those sticks in the middle?  They’re woods!!!  The woods separated where the Indians and the Settlers lived.

Here is the Indian camp…

And here is our ship.  It’s docked out at sea.

Then we fast forwarded about 200 years or so and added the transcontinental railroad.  Notice the similarity of the locomotives from that day (ha!)

It was a great morning.
What did you guys do today??


  1. Anonymous says:

    Love how My Lil' Pony is all up in the corrall.

    You're such a great mom!!!

  2. basketflat says:

    Cool Jamestown. So, where did you get your Jamestown characters from?


  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi Julie!

    Your blog is VERY nice!!

    We also have studied Jamestown recently.

    I tought you might be interested in this site:

    You can go check on our blog to see the result! I didn't know how to email just the post but if you scroll down, you will see 2 posts with pictures about it.

    It's french, but the pictures have no languages;)

    Here's the link of our blog:

    Have a nice day!


  4. tn3jcarter says:

    I bet that will really help them remember what they've learned about Jamestown. So fun.

    I can't remember what our chickens weigh BEFORE they are ready for the table, but I'm guessing a 16 lb. cat would be about 3 chickens. But I'm not giving up any chickens, no maam. I was talking guineas. We have LOTS and lots of them! I hope our chickens hatch out babies as well as the guineas did last year. As it is, I'm just drooling over the McMurray Hatchery catalog.

  5. SandBetweenMyToes says:

    What a great day! That looks so fun. Aside from the My Little Pony and cookie cutters (very creative) where did you get the little firgures? The little colonial looking ones?

    The tiles look pretty interesting. I wonder if they'd help Marissa be more interested in math???? I wonder if there's such a thing????? : o

    I'll have to weigh Marissa's cat. He's pretty close, I bet!


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