Odd man out…

I’m guessing everyone feels like the odd man out at times, but, I also wonder how many feel that way most of the time.  How many go through life without seeing themselves as special, God-crafted, different…but for a purpose.

We have been blessed with farm fresh eggs.  When one of my best buddies from SC visited she brought a dozen with her as well.  I really didn’t see the entire 12.  She saved one for me to see.  I think “he”, as we now call him, is quite special.  Yes, he’s different and sticks out like a sore thumb but he’s cute, and green, and that makes him all the more special.  He also reminds me of my dear friend who carried him 7 hours to my house.

For those of us who wander through life wondering why God made us so different I wonder what would happen if we stopped and asked the Father how He sees us.  I’m guessing He sees us similar to that green egg.  Marvelously and wonderfully different.  Similar to others but completely unique.  Sweet.  Memorable.  Fragile and delicate.  I also wonder if we remind him of his Son…..the most special egg in the bunch.  And even though he was God in the flesh, most did not recognize his uniqueness.  Most made fun of him.  Some killed him.

Do you know someone like my precious green egg?  Take the time to tell them how wonderful they are.

Do you feel like the green egg?  Then I have a Word for you.  You are loved.  You are unique.  You weren’t a mistake.  You are perfectly made by a perfect Father who has a specific purpose for your life.  You, dear one, are HIS sweet little green egg.


  1. Very nice. I think everyone is green egg (unique, if everyone were truly a green egg that wouldn’t be unique, but you know what I mean!). It’s just an illusion, a waste of time, a squandering of diversity to believe and try to be just like others. We are what we are, do the most we can with it!

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