Asking for prayer

Wednesday night was a tragic night in our little town in south.  A church bus carrying children from a Wednesday night church service back home crashed with 10 children and 1 bus driver inside.  The bus tumbled down a steep embankment and pinned the driver inside against a tree.  Most all the kids went to the ER but one has broken his neck and has no brain activity.  Except through God’s intervention he will not live.  Please pray for him.  His name is Austin.

The bus driver may have lost both legs.  That has not been confirmed through the media but was told to me by a friend who is a first responder EMT.

The tragedy has rocked our small community.  The church bus belongs to the Church and Christian School where two of my children attend.   Both of my boys have ridden the bus several times for field trips.  My 6 year old knows the bus driver and is incredibly sad for him and his family.

How fragile life is.  At any moment, anytime God can call us home.  We never know.  Grief, pain,and sorrow can enter our hearts in the blink of an eye.  And what do we do with the pain if we have no hope?  That, I just can not imagine. 

How thankful am I for today?  How often do I praise Him in the mundane routine of my life?  How often does my heart wander away from what has been given to me?  "What if………?".  Am I joyful in today?  Am I thankful for each heartbeat in the chest of my children?

Wednesday night was a terribly cold and foggy night.  Visibility was horrible.  Please join me in praying for all the families, the bus driver and Austin.  Be thankful today for what it is….another chance to love, to show others His glory and to touch someone’s life.


My camera has been hijacked…

Yesterday my daughter (age 3) and my oldest son (age 8) both stole my camera.  Now the little one stole my “not so nice camera” but the older child had my Canon XTi on the trampoline!  AGH!!!  My husband is the one who casually said, “Do you realize the kids have your camera on the trampoline?”
“UHHHH………  That would be a NO!”

So after my cardiac arrest here’s some of what ended up “on film”….

Very somber photo of my son and our neighbor taken by my 3 year old.  Not bad on the focusing, huh???

My daughter’s shot of her foot while we were in the car.  I could just eat those feet!!!

Some strange woman at my computer.  Looks like she is thinking very hard!!! (taken by my 8 year old son)

And this taken by who knows?? on the trampoline….
Oh, the trampoline is our children’s Christmas this year.  And yes, it’s already up.  No use in wasting all this nice weather (60s)
This is my second-born son and our neighbor.

And this one I took on the day we got the trampoline assembled.  It wasn’t very difficult.  Anyone getting one for Christmas and need a little help???
Oh, that’s my biggest kid there in the orangish shirt trying out his handiwork.

Merry Christmas!

Freaky Friday Foto

Here’s this week’s Freaky Friday Foto

Don’t even ask!

Be Huge God (The House part 1)

“Be Huge God”

That is the biggest thing I learned in my Beth Moore study Believing God.  I’m learning more and more to believe He is who He says He is, He’ll do what He says He can do, I am who He says I am, I can do all things through Him, and that His Word is alive and active in me.

For any of you who have done the study you know what an impact these 5 statements have made on Beth’s life.  And they are continually making a huge impact on my life.

God has been moving in strange ways here lately.  He’s had me looking at land.  And yes, land has always been in my heart, He knows that.  But affording land and a house, now that’s a different story.  Moving with four kids?  Different story.  Moving without my husband’s company paying for it all?  Different story.

He led me to this house less than a week ago.  And out of obedience we have done what He has asked us to do up to this point.  It’s scary.

And He knows that.  This morning my husband called me to tell me he had something he believed the Lord wanted me to know.  It’s verses out of Joshua, chapter one.

And in all this I’ve thought so much about how we limit God.  Do I allow Him to be huge in my life?  Do I allow Him to be huge in my finances, in my kid’s lives, in my marriage, in my relationship with Him??

We are following in what we believe to be obedience to Him, the one we serve.  The one who cares for me more than I could ever imagine.  The one who hung the stars and the moon and called the sun into existance.

I’m not ready to tell the whole story yet but I hope to be able to tell you of his love, his grace, and his glory more and more in the coming days.

“Be Huge God”

The girls…

Here’s a picture of me (since everyone says they never get a photo with me in it….there’s hope since my oldest has become a shutterbug) and baby girl in our  PJ’s with a backdrop of ALL my scrapbooking supplies.


Growing old

I had my second EVER mammogram
yesterday.  Although not as unpleasant as some describe having
another woman handle THOSE is a little uncomfortable.  Can't you
imagine her “after work” conversations……

“I'm going to start selling IVORY soap as a side job.”
“Do you know how hard it is to get NOTHING squeezed between two pieces of metal?”
“I had no idea those things can be shaped like bananas (cantaloupes) (watermelons) (peas).”
“This one chick screamed today when I got her all mushed in there like I was killing her or something.”

Her comments to me were…..
“Someone should have told you we don't do mammograms in the winter we do freeze and squeezes.”
“We're going to do three pictures of one side because it's not good to freeze and rethaw meat that many times.”

So I can just imagine the “over dinner” conversations.



I stayed home from church today while my hubbie went with child # 2 and 3.  My friend, Andrea,
had driven in from NC to visit for Thanksgiving so this gave me a
little more time with her and a much needed break from serving, rushing
around to get ready, plus a little down time.

My oldest son
stayed home with me along with the baby.  He's been angry lately
for reasons we've yet to uncover and had been acting out this
morning.  So I decided to let him stay home with me thinking a
little mommy time was what he might need.  Well mommy time turned
into God time as He was so gracious to give me some insight into #1's
anger this morning.

We were writing down the names of children
he'd like to invite to his birthday party when he got very frustrated
saying he couldn't do it and that it had to be perfect.  (He'd
messed up on one letter out of 6 names.)  This led into no one at
school liking him.

Immediately God quickened my heart to the
lies he was believing.  First of all, no one but Jesus was perfect
and second, he could write very well and he has lots of
friends.   So, we sat down the pen and paper we went into the
den to snuggle on the couch.  This was one of those parenting
moments where I knew I needed to explain a spiritual truth in a way
that was relevant to his world.  With a prayer and a quickened
heart I tried to explain the choice we have to believe Satan's lies
about ourselves or to believe God's Truth… kinda like Anakan (sp?) in
StarWars choosing between the dark side and the good side of the force.

I told him that Satan often tell us lies like, “You're stupid” or
“You're no good” or “No one likes you”.  His voice is mean,
condemning, very deceptive and often disguised as our own voice or one
of someone claiming to love us or even a friend.  He'll use any
voice and any situation to make us feel unworthy.

God's voice,
on the other hand, is uplifting and loving.  God tells us things
like “You are special”, “I love you”, “You are my child”.  His
voice is often harder to hear because it's softer, more loving.

Two of the words we don't allow our children to say are “butt” and
“stupid”.  Something about boys and body parts!!!  However,
trying to connect with my sweet 6 year old's way of thinking I came up
with an idea.  So here it is.  “Son,
you are allowed to say both of these words in this context only. 
When you hear Satan telling you things about yourself that make you
feel bad, sad or angry you tell him, 'Satan, you are stupid. 
Jesus kicked your butt on the cross
and I am not going to believe your lies.'” 

I think that's something akin to “Bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” just in 6 year old language!!!

Desiring to raise children in the TRUTH…

Life in the fast lane…

Do you ever feel like that's
the way we live?  No wonder so many of us struggle to hear God's
voice.  We have to be still and quiet to hear His whispers of love
to our souls.  “I love you.  You are mine.  I created
you.  I know everything about you and still you are the very
essence of Christ to me.”

Now I can write.

week we decided to turn off the TV.  I've felt for a long time
that our lives would be better without it.  I think I could drop
all of them off our bedroom balcony (well, it's a deck but balcony
sounded better) and never miss them.  I'm not sure my husband
would agree, especially during football season.  You see, he's
just sure there will be football in heaven and he'll get to be
quarterback.  He LOVES college football. 

But we've
had a few discipline problems that really encouraged us to do a little
“outside the box” thinking.  So, we turned off the TV.  None
before school.  None after school.  None, period.

you know what?  I think we've stumbled onto something.  I'm
convinced the TV sucks what good sense God gave my children right out
of their brains.  It leaves them disobedient, agressive and
robotic.  Monkey see, monkey do.

Now you may think we've
not monitored what our children watch very closely, but we have. 
And still…..monkey syndrome.  So this week we decided good
behavior earns TV but not until the end of the week, Saturday. 
It's been amazing at how much more involved we've become in their lives
and how much better theire behavior has been.  There has been less
fighting, more playing, less aggression, less hitting, more reading and
more good old fashion family time. 

When we lived in KY we lived next door to the Carters (tn3jcarter). 
They always had the TV on.  Since moving to the country they've
put away the TV and adopted more pleasurable things (read her blog at tn3jcarter). 
Since we still keep in touch I've gotten to hear about the changes in
their family but just haven't been brave enough to try it yet. 

I think I've been afraid I'll miss something.  WHAT??

I knew it would happen.  God's been convicting me for a
while.  We've had such a great week as a family that I am ready to
throw all the TVs off the balcony….my hubbie says I just have to wait
until after the IRON BOWL tomorrow (that's the Auburn vs Alabama
college football game). 

I really think we're onto something here!!!
Adios televisionitis!!

“brushing teefies”


Well, my toddler has finally discovered running water, the toothbrush
drawer and how to unscrew the top off of toothpaste.  Thankfully
she still comes to find me saying “UNH” which means 50 different things
depending upon the situation.  In this one it means she wants
toothpaste on the toothbrush having yet to figure out squeezing
achieves the desired results (thank you GOD).  You really must
have mommy ESP to understand such complicated communication.  We
must all have super intelligent kids. (smile) 

of intelligence, I've convinced my 6,5,4 year old boys that God gave me
three eyes in the back of my head they can't see.  Only God and
mom know they are there.  They believe it!

After seeing Chicken Little (real cute) today with all of them I've got
more ammunition since the “aliens” in the movie are fuzzy little mop
head looking things with three big eyes.  They also only come out
when necessary so sometimes you only see one eye.
My kids don't stand a chance!!!

So today…

So today I'm trying to explain to my
almost 7 year old about the roots that hold our teeth in because he
just lost his third tooth.  When we pulled it there was no root
but he knew one was there, holding his tooth firmly in place.  His
tooth was very wiggly but still had a strong root holding it in. 
As I'm explaining about the new root and the new tooth that will soon
grow God gave me a wonderful spiritual truth to share.

the old root and tooth are like our hearts before we ask Jesus to come
live there.  The baby tooth is wiggly, (just like we so often come
to Him…anxious and unsure) and the root begins to prepare itself to
die.  Once we ask Jesus into our hearts and lives He gives us a
bigger stronger tooth (life).  The tooth will not survive without
the root (Jesus) because it gives the tooth life.  God replaces
our baby tooth (old heart) with a new one.  Our new tooth is
strong and is firmly secured in our mouths by the new stronger
root.  Just as we are held securely in God's hand after asking
Jesus into our lives.  We are firmly rooted into the family of

So, I tell him, “Son, each time you have a wiggly tooth
remember that's how we are without Jesus.  And each time a new
tooth grows in remember that's what we're like with Jesus.  Big,
strong, and firmly rooted.”

Wow, I think I taught myself something today.
