“brushing teefies”


Well, my toddler has finally discovered running water, the toothbrush
drawer and how to unscrew the top off of toothpaste.  Thankfully
she still comes to find me saying “UNH” which means 50 different things
depending upon the situation.  In this one it means she wants
toothpaste on the toothbrush having yet to figure out squeezing
achieves the desired results (thank you GOD).  You really must
have mommy ESP to understand such complicated communication.  We
must all have super intelligent kids. (smile) 

of intelligence, I've convinced my 6,5,4 year old boys that God gave me
three eyes in the back of my head they can't see.  Only God and
mom know they are there.  They believe it!

After seeing Chicken Little (real cute) today with all of them I've got
more ammunition since the “aliens” in the movie are fuzzy little mop
head looking things with three big eyes.  They also only come out
when necessary so sometimes you only see one eye.
My kids don't stand a chance!!!


  1. Do you just LIVE with a camera around your neck?! How in the world do you manage with 4 children to think “oh, isn’t she cute brushing her teefies? I need multiple photos of it”?

    I wish we still lived next door so that my kids might at least have the backs of their heads in some of the 52000 photos of your children. You are such an over-achiever. You make the rest of us look like slackers.

    I think I shall have my friend Heidi photoshop create some pictures of my children someday. You may not ever show my children your children’s scrapbooks. I have a gap between 2003 and 2005. My kids think it’s normal. : )

  2. berrymorin says:

    Well done with brushing those teeth.

  3. You have a cutie Pie. She is to precious!

    I was reading your response to Fish in my hair and I thought I was the only one who used to do my commas that way. To funny it is nice to know I am not alone in the world!

    Edited by jkjordan on Nov. 13, 2005 at 10:16 AM

  4. PRICELESS! <><

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