I stayed home from church today while my hubbie went with child # 2 and 3.  My friend, Andrea,
had driven in from NC to visit for Thanksgiving so this gave me a
little more time with her and a much needed break from serving, rushing
around to get ready, plus a little down time.

My oldest son
stayed home with me along with the baby.  He's been angry lately
for reasons we've yet to uncover and had been acting out this
morning.  So I decided to let him stay home with me thinking a
little mommy time was what he might need.  Well mommy time turned
into God time as He was so gracious to give me some insight into #1's
anger this morning.

We were writing down the names of children
he'd like to invite to his birthday party when he got very frustrated
saying he couldn't do it and that it had to be perfect.  (He'd
messed up on one letter out of 6 names.)  This led into no one at
school liking him.

Immediately God quickened my heart to the
lies he was believing.  First of all, no one but Jesus was perfect
and second, he could write very well and he has lots of
friends.   So, we sat down the pen and paper we went into the
den to snuggle on the couch.  This was one of those parenting
moments where I knew I needed to explain a spiritual truth in a way
that was relevant to his world.  With a prayer and a quickened
heart I tried to explain the choice we have to believe Satan's lies
about ourselves or to believe God's Truth… kinda like Anakan (sp?) in
StarWars choosing between the dark side and the good side of the force.

I told him that Satan often tell us lies like, “You're stupid” or
“You're no good” or “No one likes you”.  His voice is mean,
condemning, very deceptive and often disguised as our own voice or one
of someone claiming to love us or even a friend.  He'll use any
voice and any situation to make us feel unworthy.

God's voice,
on the other hand, is uplifting and loving.  God tells us things
like “You are special”, “I love you”, “You are my child”.  His
voice is often harder to hear because it's softer, more loving.

Two of the words we don't allow our children to say are “butt” and
“stupid”.  Something about boys and body parts!!!  However,
trying to connect with my sweet 6 year old's way of thinking I came up
with an idea.  So here it is.  “Son,
you are allowed to say both of these words in this context only. 
When you hear Satan telling you things about yourself that make you
feel bad, sad or angry you tell him, 'Satan, you are stupid. 
Jesus kicked your butt on the cross
and I am not going to believe your lies.'” 

I think that's something akin to “Bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” just in 6 year old language!!!

Desiring to raise children in the TRUTH…


  1. Isn’t God so wonderful to teach us things along the way that will help save our children from believing so many of Satan’s lies?! I’m so glad that you had a wonderful visit with Andrea and some wonderful God time with J. : )

    Love you all!

  2. I’m so proud of you I could cry. The way you tied the biblical truth of Gods love in with Star Wars was incredible. I’ll have to remeber that one.


  3. WingsAsEagles says:

    Thank you for pointing this in my direction. Yes – so many of us being attacked lately. Must be the season . . . and Satan’s lack of regard for it.

    Stay encouraged!

    Mrs. L

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