My Dentist…the miracle worker

Ok, so you guys know about my recent experience at the dentist office right?  Any of you who missed the excited and somewhat vicodin-induced post a couple nights ago please feel free to click here!  What can I say but yea to pain meds when you actually need them.

You’ll rejoice with me in knowing that the heartbeat in my gums has now been reduced from a whale-size beat to that of a small rodent.  And it only hurts in the evenings.  The pain is subsiding each day and today I got the lovely flesh (black) stitches taken out.  So I don’t look like I have a spider fighting me for the front and center position in my mouth. 

I don’t like spiders.

So back to this miracle worker guy.
We all know no one takes the place of the real miracle worker but my dentists, they try!  Way to go guys (and girls)!

After having my stitches taken out today the good doctor set about resurfacing my dull, temporary plastic foreign object in my mouth that was supposed to be a tooth and which was also fighting with the spider for the coveted front and center position in my once beatiful mouth.

What’s so great about the best seat anyway?

So back to the resurfacing…..
This "way cool" CAD machine went to work redesigning my tooth surface with a little help from sweet as a button Alicia and the good doctor himself.  Quite the team, they are!

Ok now I have Yoda from Starwars running through my mind.  "The force is strong with this young one it be!  MMMmmm."
You remember how he says everything backwards?

Ok, the tooth, the tooth. 
I’m not going to tell any of you what CAD means because if you are technogeeky like me you’ll already know and if you’re one of those relationship people you won’t ever care. 
Any guesses though?

So about 10 minutes of this cool machine doing it’s thing and we have something that is beginning to look like tooth forming in the bowels of the dental office.  Out it comes….all 1/4 inch of the thing.  How do they keep up with such small things?  A dentist office definiely would not survive at my house.

The good doc grinds (with diamonds ….oooo….ahhhh), pops that puppy in my mouth, grinds some more, pops it out, grinds again.  Back in, back out, back in, back out,  then on to polishing……

"Make it really shiny"

Some cement to stick that bugger onto the totally inadequate plastic first tooth and voila!

I have gone from this

To this!

Okay, you decide…
Miracle worker  OR  not???

Love ya Drs. Steve, Paul and Melissa….
I shall proclaim your reconstructive abilities from the highest buidlings in Liberty!  Or at least from our tree house in the back yard, 

And thanks to Joan and Bridgett for offering hours of entertainment while the good doctors are working their magic.  And to Chrissa for our in depth discussion about toothbrushes.  I’m sure we changed someone’s universe.  And to sweet Kelli for encouraging me through the stages of grief when almost losing a very important fight to a spider and a plastic impostor!!!  You’re the heat Kelli. 

Dr W.  You get lots of kudos today.  Good job!  I really do look like Julia! Don’t cha think!!!

Blessings from this Julia Roberts look alike thanks to another day spent at my friendly neighborhood dentist office.
IN HIM alone….

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!

Really, I only want one.

I’ve had lots of trouble with one of my front teeth since breaking it in about the 12th grade.  It’s been through everything a tooth can go through.  Braces, getting broken, root canal, apicoectomy.  It’s troubled me for years so I finally gave into the idea that I HAD to have a dental implant and we pulled the tooth last week.  I don’t think it really registered that I was yanking roots out of bone until the dentist actually had my prized tooth between pliers and was yanking the thing from my mouth.  It was about that time that I realized, "Oh crap, I’m going to have a big ole hole there!" 

Call me dense.  Maybe it was denial but it worked.  At least until the dentist had a death grip on my tooth.
So now I have this wonderful device called a partial.  Can you say 90 year old grandma? 
It’s horrible.  Oh, did I mention the spider-like stitches (in the flesh colored shade of BLACK) protruding from my flesh-colored PINK gums?
I’m pretty, let me tell ya. 
All in time for Christmas.

The bone must heal before the implant can be placed.  That’s about 4 months.  Then the bone has to heal around the implant before the crown can be placed.  Another 4 months. 
Let’s do the math.
4 + 4 = 8
8 MONTHS I have to wear this thing.  It’s like a retainer with a tooth glued on it. 

It’s horrible.
Eating is worse.
Smiling is worse than eating.
How do you not smile for 8 months?

I think I’m going to find a hole to stick my head in.
Oh, I can’t do that because it makes my stitches throb.
Throb, yea, you know, like a heartbeat.  You know…boom, boom, boom.
Yep, that kind of throbbing!

If I wasn’t so vain I’d take a picture of the thing but even I can’t do that
Did I mention I now have denture adhesive on my person?
I think I’m gonna die!

Since I’m too vain to take a photo of my own mug, this one will have to do!  Just so you get the idea!


Note to all who read this blog:
Uplifting and more encouraging post coming up.  I promise!
Guess what we did last week?
Here’s a hint.

Yep, that's me…

and my new to me 40D!


Is your marriage Fireproof?
That is the topic in the new Christian movie Fireproof
(click to watch the trailer)

I hope to see it this week.  It’s by the same people who producing Facing the Giants, a spectacular move that celebrates life, our Father, and the source of our Strength.

Let me know if anyone has seen it.  I’m so excited to go!!


Hoping to pass through the weekend unscathed was just that…..a hope.  Baby girl woke up from a nap on Saturday and was running a 103 temperature.  She’s been vomiting off and on too.  The natives (boys) are restless after spending so much time inside.  The yellow jackets are loving SC right about now, especially our yard, so we’ve been indoors a little more than usual. 

Where are you football, campfires, marshmellows and falling leaves????

I’m ready for fall……
Anyone else?

Check out this guy, actually girl….

Today while we were outside this thing ran across the driveway.  It was bright reddish orange and about an inch long.  It looked very velvety and had big black stripes.  I thought, "How cool looking!" and yelled for baby girl to get me the bug catcher.  As I was trying to corral the thing I also thought, "How freaky looking!"

After trying to get a good picture to show you I looked it up on the internet, googling "big red furry ant".  And this is what I found out.

It’s a velvet ant or cow-killer by it’s nickname.  Okay, why cow-killer?  Apparently it’s from the wasp family, not an ant at all, and has a sting that hurts so badly people say that it could kill a cow.  They also sting multiple times.  Only the females sting.  The males have wings and no stingers. 

You know, I’m really, REALLY glad I found all this out AFTER I had my lens stuck in the opening of the bug catcher taking photos.  Oh my goodness…that thing’s evil!

Then I carefully shifted her to a glass jar in hopes of a better photo….

Look carefully at her fangs… girls know you grow those every month don’t you??  I do!!

Feeling a little buggy!
but always in HIM….

Hello there

It’s been kind of a crazy couple days.  I’ve had very little to say as well.  Those two together means "no posting".  Just wanted to drop in to say hello and list a couple of random things…

1.  Smoke detectors – one of ours went off tonight when a candle was burning too high and making a bit of smoke.  There wasn’t anything near the candle or in danger of catching on fire but the flame was high and apparently that was making a bit of smoke.  When it went off I figured the batteries were low but when I walked into the room you could barely see the smoke at the top of the room.  One very sensitive smoke alarm of which I’m very thankful because I know now that the least little bit of smoke in my home and that thing would be going off!  Yea, go check those batteries!  It’s worth the $10.00 or so you’d spend replacing all the batteries in your house!!!

2.  Abeka and a new school year – We will be using mainly Abeka this year and I am going on Monday to purchase curriculum for all three boys.  Last year I only had one at home.  This year I have all four.  Baby girl will be gone a couple hours each day but the boys are here for the year.  I found an excellent deal on 2 desks and 3 chairs at Stuffmart today and am happy with the way the school room is shaping up.  Pictures to come soon.

3.  No updates yet  – on the thing I asked you to pray for.  Hopefully there will be a breakthrough soon!  But I promised to keep you who are praying posted. 

Did I ever show you this picture?  What a gas!  I laugh at the drying techniques used at the camp grounds where I took this picture.  Only in SC!

I guess that’s it for now. 
IN HIM alone…

Yep, it's summer here!

This box is on the front porch waiting to go to the dump (no garbage service in them there woods!) …

And the actual water gun hangs from our railing…

This hangs from the lamp post.  Put there last night after a day at the lake…

And these are on the front porch drying after being scrubbed with Greased Lightening (the best cleaner in the world)

Yep, summer!

Happy 4th of July

Hoping you all have a sparkly, blessed and safe
4th of July!

Children, Cameras and Scary Things

At our middle son’s recent graduation from 2nd grade our oldest son took my Fuji FinePix I keep in my pocket book and decided to snap a few photos of our daughter.

Here’s the photographer’s self portrait:

And here’s our sweet, innocent daughter sitting beside her daddy:

And then, right before the camera’s eye something scary begins to take place:

The transformation was amazing…..I mean, what’s happening???

Are things getting ready to pop from her head?

Or is it just creative photography?

I’m thinking my son has my eye for photographical composition (are those words?) that his mama does.
