Check out this guy, actually girl….

Today while we were outside this thing ran across the driveway.  It was bright reddish orange and about an inch long.  It looked very velvety and had big black stripes.  I thought, "How cool looking!" and yelled for baby girl to get me the bug catcher.  As I was trying to corral the thing I also thought, "How freaky looking!"

After trying to get a good picture to show you I looked it up on the internet, googling "big red furry ant".  And this is what I found out.

It’s a velvet ant or cow-killer by it’s nickname.  Okay, why cow-killer?  Apparently it’s from the wasp family, not an ant at all, and has a sting that hurts so badly people say that it could kill a cow.  They also sting multiple times.  Only the females sting.  The males have wings and no stingers. 

You know, I’m really, REALLY glad I found all this out AFTER I had my lens stuck in the opening of the bug catcher taking photos.  Oh my goodness…that thing’s evil!

Then I carefully shifted her to a glass jar in hopes of a better photo….

Look carefully at her fangs… girls know you grow those every month don’t you??  I do!!

Feeling a little buggy!
but always in HIM….


  1. Anonymous says:

    OH MY GOSH!!! That is so freaky looking…and those fangs!!

    The kids are watching "Wild" on the Japanese Hornets…They are HUGE!!

    I think I am all bugged out ; )

  2. Patty7093 says:

    That thing does look a bit vicious! I would like to say that I am not so intimidating once a month, but alas, I must join you in the confession of being a little cranky during those days…lol.


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