Shots you're really not supposed to take…..

What’s in your car?

The other day I took my camera along with me to run errands because it was just that kind of day where I felt the weather was perfect for a few sweet shots of something beautiful……..I didn’t know what.

So this is what I ended up with…..

Me in the car.
And yikes I’m throwing that lipstick away……

Me driving…..
(Don’t look mom!)

The floor of my car…
complete with first aid kit and Spanish notebooks

Another shot of the floor….
pocketbook, a wrapper from the million wintergreen Lifesavers I’ve eaten lately, gas receipt and a flower from my daughter.

The passenger seat…
the book I’m reading and my cell phone…..a Verizon Dare, which I love

A reminder of my one millionth dentist appointment since deciding on a dental implant……

And the dash of my Nissan Quest that I had to own and we just paid off.  And a reminder of my daughter’s broken arm and the pin the orthopedic surgeon had to put in it.  That’s the hospital bracelet around my gear shift.
Thank you God!

What’s in your car????

Random Mondayness

I"ve wondered why the kids have trouble with concentrating on their schoolwork

Maybe it’s because I’d rather be having art class on their faces…..

It’s so hard to concentrate this time of year.  I’m thinking of adjusting school next year so we start when it’s so hot and end by April.

Anyone know what this is??

Here he is outside in his natural surroundings.  Pretty good disguise God gave him, huh??

Anyone out there with ADD kids? 

Have a great Monday….

My Man!

Here’s my man coaching football.  He does so much.  But he loves those boys he coaches!
Pretty awesome isn’t he?

I think so.

Want a closer look?


You can’t have him though.
He’s all mine!
And I like him a lot.

Poppin' in to say hello

There’s not too much going on around here.  Well, that’s not true.  I just don’t have much to say.
Rocket Man is traveling and will be home tomorrow night.  We’ve had so many flag football games and school is still in full swing here. 
I’ve been trying to finish the bedroom and think I’m close.  One or two spots still need work.  Hopefully photos to come soon.
Fred is better, per the vet.  He still has a head tilt and is dizzy but he isn’t any worse.
My gums are healing after being lasered on Monday.  Yikes!
Hope you are having a good week.

A very sweet old picture I came across today……
(long before my 40D)

Update on Fred and other things

Fred is still the same.  No worse, but not any better.  He’s eating well but still very wobbly and has a head tilt.  I’m honestly considering a local pet chiropractor.  Yes, hubby, pet chiropractor.

Today was a rough one.  It’s rainy here.  About 50 degrees and I woke up this morning to spilled chocolate milk all over the rug before I even had time to drink a cup of coffee.  So this morning began on my hands and knees.  Not in prayer, as it should have, but with my little Bissell Green Machine. (Which is the most excellent purchase in the world if anyone wants to know.)



Then poop on the floor.  Which honestly would not have been so bad had I not bent down to pick up a what I thought was a leaf on my new bathroom rug and picked up poop instead.  Eh Gad!  So I threw the rug in the wash and headed out the door to the dentist and guitar practice.  Knowing the Green Machine would be out again when I returned home. 

We survived the trip to the dentist and guitar unskathed and upon returning home I went to throw the rug into the dryer and suck up poop with the Bissell.  The rug had shredded into a million pieces in the wash.  I honestly think every single thread in the thing came unraveled.  I’ve picked fuzzy white rug out of my washer and dryer now to the point I’m ready to throw down on some hot pink bathroom rug.

It would go so nicely with my calming decor I’m trying to accomplish in my bedroom.  My bathroom inspired me.  My sister donated a comfortor and I’ve found a few "in house" furnishings to add.  Any body out there got a sewing machine?  I need to make a couple bed pillows!!!  The fabric ties the whole room together!  Any volunteers!!!??

Today I’ve felt like evil mommy.  Lots of bumps in life that I did not handle very well. 

The high spot was taking baby girl to a ballet tonight.  Which turned out not to be a ballet at all but more of an interpretive dance kinda thing with some ball room thrown in.  It would have been nice in adult company with a glass of Pinot.

But baby girl liked the dresses and was very good and still through the entire performance. 

It’s been a strange and trying week.  Two days ago #1 son even got shot at with a Air Soft Gun by someone in the neighborhood.  Although we have not found out who was specifically shooting at him I am praying God would bring the truth to light.

So it’s 11:30pm Thursday night, my husband comes home tomorrow night late.  I’m getting really sleepy as I type.  Pray I make it without him until then.  Tomorrow needs to be a better day.

And because blogs are always better with pictures here is one of baby girl and her friend Dakota who left to move to Texas today.  We won’t see them for a long time and God has used them so much in our lives.  We will miss them bunches!!!

These two girls have horesyed it up together, picked all the flowers in this part of SC, dressed dogs in baby clothing, dominated the farm with the barbie jeep, conquered fire ant hills, and pesty brothers (those would be MINE) and still managed to be best friends.  Silly , crazy, wild best friends.

Until we get to come to Texas….
sniff, sniff.
anyone have a ticket???

A Full Recovery

Since loosing half my foot meat to the dermatologist (see previous post) on Friday I’ve made a full recovery and have been shooting a little hoops…..

Not really.
Did I get ‘cha?

I’m still hobbling around but without crutches now or crunches as my boys call them or walking sticks as my daughter calls them.

My buddy  The Scooper has a wonderful post today on grace.  Go check out her wonderful photography.

We watched 24 last night.  Boy was it good.
And next week is the last episode of The Bachelor.
Yes, I shamelessly admit I watch it, TVOed, and FF’ed through some parts.
But I watch it.

Have a great Tuesday.
My kids are having trouble concentrating on school today.

My view on Saturday

Well, this is how I’ve spent Saturday. 

Nice, huh???

Here’s the view without the sock.  Just in the event you are interested.

Even nicer, huh??

I had a small (like the size of a speck of dust) mole removed from my foot.  It was one of those "not okay" moles.  I’m always amazed how they pop up in places that have never seen the light of day.  I mean, the bottom of my foot???

The surgery to remove it and all surrounding flesh ended up being about quarter size.  And honestly, it wouldn’t be that bad if it wasn’t in the arch of my foot where the skin CAN NOT stretch or I’ll pop the stitches.  Therefore, the crutches you see in the background of the first photo.

And baby girl woke up at 1am throwing up.  She was sick all night and finally quit throwing up around 7am this morning.  She’s slowly taken liquids since then and kept them down.  I think she has a low grade fever but nothing too bad!

So I spent the day on the bed with my foot propped up and she spent the day here…beside my bed, beside the trashcan, on the floor.

Thankfully everyone else in the family is okay.  Just the girls are down and out.

On a brighter note a very good friend of mine is visiting this weekend.  I haven’t seen her in FOREVER and am trying to bribe her back here on my birthday which is next month. 

I’ll be 24.

I wish.

Oh and I got to babysit a precious 5 week old yesterday.  Oh, that baby smell!!!

I miss it.

Going to stir the soup.
Have a good weekend.

Just One Question

Well, I had two but now I can’t remember what the second one was…..

I’m looking for the perfect pot holder.  Most of them I despise!  They’re too thick and cumbersome or they don’t keep heat out. 

Anybody have one they LOVE??  Where did you get it?  What does it look like? 

Please share. 

The Day After…

Today, December 26, we travelled to NC to visit my folks.  Three are in bed and we have one more to go.  I’m pooped after the techno horror we found ourselves in on Christmas Day.  Nintendo DS, Laser Tag (which is WAY COOL if anyone is interested), a walking horse, WowWee Alive Cubs, and a digital picture frame. 

My husband and I wondered from one thing to another trying to figure them out.  The digital frame and connecting the Nintendo to the internet were the hardest.  But alas, we prevailed over the craziness of techo-Christmas. 

I think I’d rather put a bike together.

Oh, did I mention the ITouch?

Yep, that too.


Hope you had a great Christmas.  We did!!!

Oh by the way, Merry Christmas Sandy.

My Favorite Christmas Tree Ornaments

When we were little my mom and dad gave us an ornament every year.  I took that box of ornaments home with me when I finally grew up and had a house of my own.  Today, those ornaments still hang on our tree.  One I got in the 4th grade from a friend, Ann Finch.  Ann, where are you now?

So here are some of my favorites
I gave this one to my husband years ago.  I love the lion and the lamb.

One of my favorite Christmas shows is The Grinch (the cartoon version).  I’ve had this one for years.

I got this one the one year I went out after Christmas to Target.  I love the old fashioned country feel of it.  See that note in the tree in the foreground?  Our second born put that there for God this year.

And this one is my kid’s favorite.  We got it at Hallmark one year and the train and merry-go-round go around and around.  The sound doesn’t work well anymore and drags very badly.  But they still love it. 

So what are your favorites?
