My Man!

Here’s my man coaching football.  He does so much.  But he loves those boys he coaches!
Pretty awesome isn’t he?

I think so.

Want a closer look?


You can’t have him though.
He’s all mine!
And I like him a lot.


  1. crazybusy says:

    Sweet, Julie. 🙂

    Love, Alyssa

  2. basketflat says:

    Those boys are lucky to have him as football coach. I know (just from walking by the field) that not all kids football coaches are the believe-in-you type if you know what I mean.

    I think you should enter that photo of your daughter and her friend in this coming weeks contest at – the theme is "my friend and I" and your picture was so perfect.

    The hummingbirds are easy. We have so many of them around here. We put up three feeders (crazy huh?) and some days (like around June) you'll have ten hummers buzzing around your head. I got some pics when I first got my camera just standing right next to the feeder. But, if you recall I got a tripod and remote trigger this year for Christmas, so this one I got with the tripod and I stood a few feet off. Set my aperature wide open to get a fast pic.


  3. basketflat says:

    Oh, yes, you go there on Monday (or really late Sunday night). You can enter your photo on Monday or Tuesday. They let you know future week categories ahead of time in their sidebars. They also do some good tutorials.


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