Jax Zoo Field Trip

While house hunting in Jacksonville we took the time out to visit the zoo.  It is a great zoo so many different reasons.  They have a new penguin exhibit, giraffes to feed, Stingray Bay where you can pet stingrays.  Part of zoo we enjoyed so much was seeing the birds you don’t see in the SC climate.  If you make it all the way back to the end of the zoo there is a water park too.  It’s a small one but a nice place to get wet after making to the back of the zoo.  There are picnic tables and shady spots to rest.

Here are a few pictures from our trip.

He was cool but his food smelled ‘yucky’!!

He’s a beautiful little guy, huh?

What’s all that green?


Inside the reptile building where there was AIR


Scary! but cool

One of these big gray beasts escaped from his enclosure the day AFTER we were at the zoo.


This guy was amazingly beautiful.

This one scary, especially to think I’m going to live here.

Hi Mom.

Mr. Elephant….

My favorite part of the zoo.

Their tongues are 17-22 inches long.

The baby was so sweet.

Once we made it to the back and I was pooped the kids played on the playground but we didn’t bring bathing suits for getting wet.

Thanks for stopping by!



Field Trip Day….Yea

Friday Rocket Man was home from his new job in Florida and we planned a trip to Table Rock.  It’s a short drive and I’m wanting to get my fill of all this beautiful country before we leave it for Florida.  I’m sure there will be lots of adventures there but the Foothills of SC are just gorgeous.  Especially in the spring and fall.  Summers are spent at the lake playing with our friends, The Harris’.

So Friday we visited a small place and saw The Rock Man, The Glass Lady, The Reptile Man, and had the best ice cream and hamburgers we’ve had in a while.

Most of the pictures were taken in Rock Man’s shop.  We spent hours in there.  He’s such a great guy.  Last week he came to our Classical Conversations Group and gave a presentation on rocks, crystals and minerals.

I had the camera for a bit but then it was taken out of my hands and my youngest son took pictures.  He did a pretty good job.

One of our favorite parts was being introduced to the pocket flute (tin whistle but wooden).  We purchased two while there.  I love the sound of Rocket Man’s.  It’s so beautiful……

So here’s our day in pictures…

Just for fun…..can you name any of these???

I took this looking through a glass kalidiescope.   It turned out so cool.

My son took this photo.  I loved the way he saw the light and photographed it.  Maybe I’ll raise a photographer yet.

I admit, our house is crazy.  Some seem so calm but ours is wild.  But every once in a while God will give me a glimpse of what I’m trying to teach them……to love and look out for one another.  Here baby girl gets a lift up to see the flavors of icecream available to try.

Lovely without makeup…….Rocket Man, me and the new flute.

Looks fun, huh?
It was.  We hope to go back soon.

Field Trip Day

The morning began cloudy and rainy…..well drizzling rain.  A day that was made for a late start to homeschooling and a deeper snuggle in the bed.  But it was not to be….

It was field trip day and we were to be there at 9:15am.

Sometimes I wonder why I do things to myself.

Tap, tap!  Do you?

But my chilly pessimistic attitude began to change as caffeine kicked in and I was able to drag the four kids out of the bed by their hair.

Just kidding there guys.

Rocket Man decided to go with us.  I love it when he goes on field trips with us but sometimes He and field trips don’t mix well.  The unspoken "Something will always go wrong"  bypasses him.  It’s unspoken between homeschool moms especially where field trips are concerned.   And directions?  I won’t even go there!

We made it safely to "the other side of the world" and were greeted by this fellow.

All the kids were given corn to feed the animals.  This guys was the bully in the bunch.

Must be the horns.

After feeding the animals we headed straight for the "milk the fake cow" race.  Now this was a hoot and the girls won!  You rock girls!!

Baby boy who just turned 8 (sniff, sniff)…….

Baby Girl hard at work…

Then big brother’s turn…

Then middle brother’s turn…

One of our Classical Conversations tutors shows off a few photos.  She’s a mom too!

These guys watched while we raced ducks….
Aren’t they beautiful??

Duck racing…………

Then off to mine for gems!!

Next was the hay ride and as always it’s without hay.  Funny how it always is that way.  Guess I’m glad though.  Hay can be awfully prickly on the ole buns.

Then everyone had to scream to get "Old Bessy" running.  It reminded me of "Bus Driver, move that bus!"

This is one of my best friends.  She’s a beautiful Child of the KING.  I just love her transparency.  Hey beautiful!  Bet you didn’t know I snapped photos of you did ya?

Some of you may recognizer her as The Scooper.
This is her serious look.  Beautiful here too!  And applied makeup in the car which I thought so unfair as I wore NONE.

"Farmer Brown" fed his hand raised family of deer.

Yep, that’s a ten point buck for all you hunters out there.

Next we learned about growing pumpkins.  I really enjoyed this part.  We just studied seeds so it was wonderful to hear the children’s questions.

And the whole gang once we got back, had ice cream and got our very own tiny pumpkin…

Check back in soon.  I have a great contest coming up with prizes from BEEYOUTIFUL.  Love those guys.

Forever and a day…..

That’s how long it feels like it’s been since I last posted.  Between homeschool, class on Tuesday, couponing, football and the rest of life I have no extra time.  And what extra time I do have is spent cleaning, cooking or sleeping.

Can any one relate?
Tap, tap….
Anyone there…..?

We did manage to get to the apple orchard one day last week.

Where do summers go?

Oh I can’t stand the thought of thinking about lesson plans, starting school and all that jazz.
I’m thinking I’d rather be here…

God, can summer last a little longer this year???

Baby Girl is 5 today…..

….and this is what homeschooling is looking like now!

We took these shots last night.  We really weren’t in the middle of school.
But Baby Girl is so happy about her birthday she was dancing on top of her desk.  And of course Boy #3 who is the sneaky one in the family was having fun while I was shooting with my friend, Rod’s brand new Nikon D90.

Oh, it’s sweet.  Enough to make this Canon user think twice.  He was kind enough to let me borrow it for a few days and his lenses are out of this world sweet.  One’s so heavy I have trouble holding it still.  But the color is definitely different than a Canon.  I love the skin tones with the Nikon.  They are much smoother.  Reds and Greens are a little muted but that’s about it.

I’m thinking about keeping his camera and moving to Alaska (don’t tell him).

These photos are completely unedited so you are seeing the real deal with the Nikon.

They really do love each other!!!

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!

The Gift

Last Saturday we enjoyed one of Picken’s County’s finest events.  The jockey lot!
It’s like a giant yard sale.  GIANT.
Normally the jockey lot operates on Wednesdays and it’s just begun to open on Saturday and Sunday.
So last weekend we packed up and went “jockeying” on Saturday morning.

There were not a lot of vendors there last Saturday because, well, it’s just catching on.
But we were there for a purpose.
We just didn’t know it was a divine purpose.

Walking down the aisles looking at treasures such as knives, bread, homemade bird houses, used toilets, and tons of glassware we stopped to look at a table with a hodge podge of things including a really cool looking wood inlaid guitar.

Our oldest son plays and loves the guitar.  He actually has one electric guitar we bought and one that someone gave to us.  So we’ve been blessed already with one guitar.

But he was admiring this beautiful guitar with an asking price of $200.
Since I was not interested in thus said guitar I moseyed on down a couple of tables to look at a somewhat clean but beautiful used toilet.

Yea, just kiddin’.

A few minutes later here comes my son with a guitar strapped to his back with a look of excitement on his face.

“Mom, that man just gave me this guitar!!”


“Yea, mom.  Really.  I was just looking at it and he said I could have it.”

So like any well intended young (ha ha) mom I asked if he had thanked the man.
And he responded that he was so excited he forgot.  So he went back and thanked him while I held the guitar.

When Rocket Man returned from taking Baby Girl to the bathroom he got the story.  So the excitement began again.

Now, one strange part of this story is that neither Rocket Man nor I had paid much attention to this man.  Couldn’t tell you what he looked like or the other things on his table.  But my oldest son can!  Neither of us were a part of thanking the man.  It was all just between my son and the “guitar man”.

We continued walking around the Jockey Lot talking about how God provides for us.  My oldest has a very generous heart and gives freely.  He’s always blessing someone with his allowance or money he has.  We talked about how God sees our hearts and blesses us when we least expect it.  This was also a good lesson for my second born son because he struggles more with giving (like his mom).  I battle within myself over giving the smallest things at times.  It’s a place God has been working on with me for years.

When we were about to leave the Jockey Lot our first born decided he wanted to go thank the “guitar man” one more time.  So Rocket Man and I waited while he walked back down the aisle to thank the man.

When he returned we asked him what the man said and he responded, “He told me that he wanted me to have it and to use it for the Glory of the Lord.”


Being the visual person that I am I’m picturing this big warrior angel whispering in the man’s ear, “Give this child the guitar.”  And I’m thinking of how I would have wrestled with that request.  And I’m wondering if that man did.  I think he was immediately obedient.

So that led me to begin to thinking about Jesus smiling down on his servant’s trust and obedience.  I’m thinking about what immediate obedience sets in motion.  The lesson my oldest will never forget, the memory that we’ll carry with us as his parents, the lesson to my second born, and all the people’s lives HE will touch as my son tells the story, as we tell the story.

I remember how blessed we felt tithing my husband’s severance package.
And I pray that God will bless the Guitar Man.
And that one day when I get to heaven he’ll be there beside Jesus and I’ll see him and get to thank him myself.

Photo taken on my cell phone on way home from the Jockey Lot.

Field Trip Thursday

Thursday was field trip day.

And it’s the perfect time of year to take one.

The flowers were AMAZING…

While we were standing on the bridge this big fellow surfaced.

And then a guy on his lunch break came to fish.  He must have caught 25 of these in the 30 minutes we watched him fish.  Each one he threw back into the river.  He did catch a bass too and we saw a HUGE coy (sp?) at the bottom of the river near the rocks.

I wondered why this guy was so much fluffier than all his friends.  Different kind?  Likes his winter coat?  Hmm….

This was a special treasure we found.  Duck eggs

The ducks ate bread right from our hands.

These sweet fellows were the hit of the day.

We spent quite a while on the bridge watching and feeding them.

Son #2 found a squirrel nest way up high in a tree and pulled baby girl along since she’s broken her arm.

He even posed for a picture or two.

Don’t they look sweet???

Here’s one of the bridges where we saw the baby ducks.

And to our surprise the water park portion was open and running.  At first it was "Lets see who can go through without getting wet."  But that soon turned into "How wet can we get?"

See what I mean?

Not sure what this was at one time but it was a cool place to imagine knights and dragons.

This is on our way back to the car to go and get icecream.

And this one cracks me up because son ##1 is looking at that guy like he’s real.

See son #3 peeking out from behind the guy with glasses???  He’s a ham.

Now if this isn’t a place to rest and read a book I’ve never seen one.
Visit the Reedy River if you are ever near Greenville, SC.  It’s a great place.

Asking for help with you need it.

I’m amazed that firstborns are anywhere close to normal functioning adults.
Our sweet son has certainly broken us in where parenting is concerned.
Even though we had our second born 13 months after first born we still have a very big firstborn child.

And bless his heart, he’s been our homeschool experiment too.  I’ve changed curriculum and plowed through things that didn’t work.  And this year we’ve finally settled into ABEKA and are doing great. 

But at the first of the year we struggled and I went looking for help.  I found it at Sylvan Learning Center and we have loved our experience there.  Our firstborn is now performing above grade level and is such a joy to to homeschool. 

You know, sometimes as a homeschool mom I think I have to do it all.  And sometimes that doesn’t serve my kids very well.  I’m learning to ask for help when I need it.  I’m so thankful for the Lord leading us to Sylvan for this time in our lives.  It’s been a great experience for us.

So I encourage any of you moms out there who need help.  It’s okay to ask!

The joys of homeschooling in the snow!

March 1st and SC is finally getting it’s first snow of the year.  What a blast we’ve had.  The snow was thick and beautiful as it fell Sunday night.  Here’s some pictures from our excursions.

As it began to snow Sunday night….

About an hour after the rain turned to snow….

It didn’t take long for the snow to begin to stick…..

Poor southern kids, licking snow off shovels!  We eat it any way we can!

Sometimes we just eat it off our pickup trucks….
After 30 minutes of snow baby girl decided she was ready for some hot chocolate and warm dry clothes…

You know the saying in the south….”If you don’t like the weather, stick around.  It’ll change.”
As you can see by my blooming bush with snow on top!

The next morning was exciting as we had endured a night without power, snow, rain, sleet and freezing rain.  This is what we found when we opened the door.

Soon we were all bundled up for some snow play, snowman building and a little sledding.

As the boys were in a full fledged snow ball fight baby girl was having a fight of her very own with a snow ball.  This was the bottom of her snow baby.  No doubt she has three brothers.  If you can not get it to move, you kick it!!!

After lots of hard work the snow family was done.

Then it was off to sledding and swinging.

Sorry, no pictures of sledding but I was snapping with a friend’s camera and they are all on that camera.

Then it was back to the house for some MORE snow cream…

And that was our wonderful, wild and wet day in the only snow we’ve had this year.  I did a million and a half loads of wet laundry.  How do you guys who live up North do it?

We don’t get much snow in these parts.
Three inches was a BIG DEAL!
This weekend it’s supposed to be 70!
Gotta love it.
