Baby Girl is 5 today…..

….and this is what homeschooling is looking like now!

We took these shots last night.  We really weren’t in the middle of school.
But Baby Girl is so happy about her birthday she was dancing on top of her desk.  And of course Boy #3 who is the sneaky one in the family was having fun while I was shooting with my friend, Rod’s brand new Nikon D90.

Oh, it’s sweet.  Enough to make this Canon user think twice.  He was kind enough to let me borrow it for a few days and his lenses are out of this world sweet.  One’s so heavy I have trouble holding it still.  But the color is definitely different than a Canon.  I love the skin tones with the Nikon.  They are much smoother.  Reds and Greens are a little muted but that’s about it.

I’m thinking about keeping his camera and moving to Alaska (don’t tell him).

These photos are completely unedited so you are seeing the real deal with the Nikon.

They really do love each other!!!

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!


  1. Have a wonderful day of celebration!!!

    She looks just like you! (I hear this all of the time too!!!)

    My cousin said I recycled myself when I had Bethany! : )

    Happy Day!

    Julie D.

  2. tn3jcarter says:

    Hard to believe that she's 5 already. Love that last picture. They make a great dynamic duo! :O)

  3. crazybusy says:

    Hey Julie!

    How are you!? We are finally off of dial-up so I've been catching up on blogs.

    Happy birthday to your beautiful princess! She looks like her mama.

    Are you frustrated with your camera? The Canon gets great color- have you played with the presets to see if that helps? Also proper white balance & exposure make a big difference too. I used my lens cap in a pinch the other night to do a custom white balance & was amazed that it was spot on- this was indoors with a weird light bulb type that gives awful color casts. I'll have to post it in a sec- it's of Josiah sleeping. Although I did play with it (added a texture) so the color's a little different than the original.

    LOVED the post about your son & the guitar. Wow!! 🙂

    Love, Alyssa

  4. basketflat says:

    Hard to believe that she's only five, she looks so much older to me. Because she's tall I guess.

    Your liking his camera over the Canon, huh? I'm frustrated with my 30D, but I get good SOC shots with it – I just am frustrated more with things like panoramics and things that have lots of shadows. The shadows tend to have lots of noise. I think the 40D improved on that though. I want the new 5D – I've read it rocks even over it's Nikon rival which is way more expensive. One day maybe. I just got a new lens with some $ I got from a relative. I can't wait to play with it.



  5. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday to your girl! Hope she is feeling better and is healing well. Her dancing there is making me nervous! 😉

    I have heard that some Nikons are a bit more muted. My D50 is not, and I want a D300 that is supposed to have similar color to the D50. I REALLY want to upgrade, but that is on the back burner.

    Have a wonderful weekend. 🙂


  6. cool blog mom.

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