Asking for help with you need it.

I’m amazed that firstborns are anywhere close to normal functioning adults.
Our sweet son has certainly broken us in where parenting is concerned.
Even though we had our second born 13 months after first born we still have a very big firstborn child.

And bless his heart, he’s been our homeschool experiment too.  I’ve changed curriculum and plowed through things that didn’t work.  And this year we’ve finally settled into ABEKA and are doing great. 

But at the first of the year we struggled and I went looking for help.  I found it at Sylvan Learning Center and we have loved our experience there.  Our firstborn is now performing above grade level and is such a joy to to homeschool. 

You know, sometimes as a homeschool mom I think I have to do it all.  And sometimes that doesn’t serve my kids very well.  I’m learning to ask for help when I need it.  I’m so thankful for the Lord leading us to Sylvan for this time in our lives.  It’s been a great experience for us.

So I encourage any of you moms out there who need help.  It’s okay to ask!


  1. sonshine4u says:

    I stopped by because you were on the Front Porch as the latest Featured blogger of the week! I love your photos and your web design! Very engaging! Your children are beautiful!

  2. basketflat says:

    I always think that I'm experimenting with homeschooling with Natalie as well. But, with us I think it's starting out more intense and structured and learning to take it easier. Also, I just know with later children I'll have things more organized, already have a game plan.

  3. The Lord has been so faithful to "fill in my gaps" in our homeschool over these past 12 years. Whether it has been a co-op class, another mom teaching Biology (she has a Bio degree) or the local community college; He has been faithful to provide help and lead us to that help.


  4. wvmountainmama says:

    Great Post! You said to ask for help. Does that count for laundry too? If so, HELP!

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