Oh a give away!

Love those Tamron Lenses and Steamy Kitchen is giving one away to one lucky winner.  Plus she has a yummy zucchini recipe to boot!  Check her out by clicking on the link I just gave you for her blog.  And don’t forget to tell her Julie sent you!  This is from her blog:

Tamron AF18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Lens Giveaway

Alright, my lens-lovin friends! What I love about this lens is that it’s got the world’s largest zoom ratio of 15X zoom, which means the lens covers an angel of view equivalent to that of a 28mm wideangle to a 419mm ultra telephoto with just one lens.

This is a great travel and food lens – because you can take a panoramic shot of the beach as well as closeup shots like the zucchini (take a look at the 2nd shot of finished dish).

The Tamron AF18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Lens also has built-in vibration compensation – no tripod was used for the final shot, though I did use a tripod in the kitchen (I only have 2 hands!)

There’s a lens for Canon as well as Nikon and retails for $629, but there’s currently a $150 rebate so you can grab this baby for $479.
