Brain fog and summer vacation…

As a homeschool mom and blogger I often wonder why my blogs are not eloquent and thought-provoking.  As I sit typing there are three extra kids in my house.  That makes 7.  One son is feeding a neighbor, two are on the trampoline and a few are upstairs on the XBox.  The girls are running around screaming as they play some imaginary game.

Since beginning the process of editing the pictures you are about to see I’ve stopped, vacuumed the kitchen and den, made lunch for myself (only), came back to the computer, looked for a Bible, put a load of laundry in the wash, remembered I was supposed to be working on photos……

Came back to the computer.

Got up again to “lay down the law!”

Tried to remember what I was going to blog about.

Got up again to send them all to the pool.

Asked one son to flip the laundry.  Asked another if he wanted to go to the Apple Store because his iPod touch dropped in the driveway yesterday and I ran over it.  YIKES.

Remembered I needed to go to the grocery store.

Then sat back down to blog.  Now baby girl is in here complained about her brother choking her and “He could have made her die!!!”

And I wonder why my thoughts are scattered and my brain feels like that commercial of the egg frying.

So before I must get up once again here is my scattered but posted post. (Does that even make sense??)

Fun In The Sun

Our Fourth of July was spent in SC as stated in my previous post.

We had a blast seeing friends from our home of 10 years.  Several families joined us for the Fourth.  One made a Corn Hole game and we ate ribs, hamburger, hotdogs, shrimp and steak.  It was a feast, I tell ya!!  Makes me hungry even thinking about it.

While we missed many of our friends because they were on vacation too we enjoyed the ones who stayed behind!  Thanks guys!!

Here’s a few pictures from our trip.

Two men who should not be allowed in the same county!

Maybe this tells you a little of the story of why!

The host of our Fourth of July event.  I don’t care what anyone says, he’s a good ole man!!

Fighting in the pool.

Let’s get the girl!

Brotherly love!  Our friends from KY whose son’s wedding we attended on Sunday.

These two have been great friends since they were wee ones.  Now he throws her in the pool and loves to carry her on his shoulder.  Wonder what the future holds here?

The end of a spectacular evening!  The men wooed the women with some awesome fireworks!

Ok, how many sentences is that in a row?  Guess I better stop while I am ahead.  There is thunder coming from the upstairs and too many boys in the house.  CALGON!
