
I’m approaching a touchy subject here…Facebook.

My husband and I have been convicted not to use Facebook.  It’s a decision many of my friends have not liked but it’s our conviction and a way of protecting our family.  I found a great article which I found to be very balanced about Facebook and infidelity.  Read it for yourself, but it states that Facebook is just like the phone or the internet.  If you go looking for trouble you often find it.  Facebook can lend towards infidelity when those who use it are more interested in the past than in the future.  It also states that people sin, not Facebook or the computer or the phone.  These avenues, I believe, make our desire to stray available at our fingertips.  But, like I also stated, I believe where there is a will there is a way.  Safeguards are important and necessary as each is led.

I liked the article.  We will still choose not to use Facebook as an example to our kids of our choice to go against society and follow God’s prompting in our lives but I feel more balanced now in how I look at one of the social tools of our age.

Most people feel Facebook rocks.  What about you?
