Homeschooling….what a day!

Yep, my last post was about wonderful field trips.

But today I’m feeling like we homeschool moms sure do tackle a lot in one day.  Tuesdays are especially busy for us.  Today it was up at 6:45 which is way to early in anyone’s world, if you ask me. Especially that of a homeschool mom.  Maybe not Pioneer Woman’s world but it is in mine.   Then breakfast, teeth brushed, hair fixed, clothes on (foregoing our beloved PJ’s for the day), makeup for me and hair in a clip.  We have to leave for Classical Conversations by 8:00-8:15 and that’s if I’ve gone to set up my classroom the night before.  If not, we are up an hour earlier and leave an hour earlier. 

Then I teach a classroom full of 4 and 5 year olds

  • English Grammar (reflexive pronouns today)
  • Math (skip counting by 14s), History
  • History Timeline
  • Latin (present perfect tense of the verb “to love”)
  • Science (parts of the sun)
  • Geography (today the parts of the MidAtlantic World and our geography lines including the Prime Meridian, the Equator… get the idea)
  • the Tin Whistle and a little about music theory
  • then we do a Science Experiment (today about planets)
  • and each child presents something to the class to work on Presentation Skills.  All this is done in 3 hours. 

You teachers out there in the world….my hat goes off to you.  You have an incredibly difficult and underpaid job.

I do this for 3 hours one day a week.  You guys do it for 5 days a week for 8 hours!  And it’s enough to make my skin crawl.  The spidery kind of crawl.  YIKES.

I love my kids.  They are a challenge to keep on track at the pace we go for 3 hours but they are fun.  They wear me out.

After the morning  I’m exhausted and my older boys still have three more hours of school.  The younger two have PE and are watched by one of the moms afterwards.  We leave “school” about 4:00 and head home.  Thank goodness there was a roast in the crock pot for supper tonight.  We unload the car, put back packs away and unload the cooler.  It’s at this time I consider crashing on the couch………….actually lying there with a pillow under my head for several minutes…………….. but the mom radar goes off and I realize if I stay there the rest of the night will be history.  Therefore I get up to start the sprinkler system because the yard guy put down weed and feed yesterday (we rent less you think us wealthy in things other than the things of God) and told me I needed to water it in.  Parts of the yard were not getting wet so of course that needed investigating.  The cat box needed scooping (somehow my job), the sunporch aka 3rd born’s bedroom and cat’s…….bathroom needed sweeping and mopping. 

My 3rd born’s birthday is tomorrow.  He will be nine.  For the next two months out of the year I have an 11, 10, 9 and 6 year old.  Sounds impressive huh?  Like I gave birth every year for three years.  There is actually 13 months between my first two and 20 months between my second two but for a few months I pretend to be superwoman.

Maybe that’s why this post is emerging from a day of feeling like a homeschool mom with a full time job.  It seems like just yesterday I was birthing that sweet child. 

Happy birthday my little baby boy!

If any of you guys want to know more about the Classical approach to education or CC just click on the link above.  I know many moms out there giving their time to tutor such precious little ones.  Oh, and big ones too!

So what did you do today?
