Day 25 (and 24) What a scare….

I went to blog yesterday and my blog was gone.  GONE.  I mean, like it wasn’t there and some cruise line came up.  YIKES.  What to do???  This morning I trust the people at JUST HOST  have got it all straightened out because it’s here again.  {HUG BLOG}

Yesterday I was going to share with you part of my house.  It’s a part I actually love because we did not have a big laundry room in our house in SC.  I’ve always thought if women built houses that the laundry room would be one of the biggest rooms in the house.  I would have cubbies and hanging spots for everyone’s clothes.  I’d have a folding table.  I’d have 2 washers and 2 dryers and it would be painted pretty.  I think I’d live in there.

I wander….so back to real life.

Here is the entry to my laundry room.  I love my washer and dryer!!!

Here is the opposite wall

It’s organized and pretty!!  Yippee!!

A dear friend’s mom painted this picture for me years ago (like 13 years ago)!  I still love it.

These little guys hang from the pegs underneath the shelf

Near the window!  I have a window!

This one is just for you Tony!!  I keep the plastic bags for the kitty litter in here.  Functional and beautiful.

The utility sink….a bit messy here.

All things doggy are supposed to go here…

After passing this room on the way out the door we pass this guy on the way to LearningRx.  My children love him.  He’s a good dancer too!

So there’s part of my REAL LIFE.  How about you?
