Works for me Wednesday

Today is partly about confession.  There is something we do as a family that I hesitate to tell people sometimes, especially homeschool moms because I know how tired we all are.  With that said my confession is this….We have a housekeeper.  Yep, an angel descends on our house once every two weeks and makes sure the toilets are scrubbed, the shower isn’t growing things and that my boy’s bedroom doesn’t have 1/2 an inch of dust covering it or mold growing underneath the beds.

It works for us.

We’ve vacillated between having her once a month (when money is tighter) and then, just recently, went back to every two weeks. This helps us to feel less overwhelmed in all that we do as a family.  It helps us keep balance in our lives.  Oh, we still do plenty of scrubbing, vacuuming, and dusting in between but knowing that at least twice a month everything is clean at the same time even if it lasts only for an hour is very comforting.

Sometimes as homeschool moms (and as women) we believe we have to "do it all" and for the most part we do so much.  Giving ourselves a break and letting someone else in to help really, well, helps!

So I encourage you to find something that will help you lighten your load today.  (psst….it’s okay, really!)

See more Works for me Wednesday (or today’s Doesn’t Work for me Wednesday) posts here.

Not so Freaky Friday Fotos of our Field Trip

Yesterday we took a field trip to Paris Mountain State Park where we did a little hiking.  Here are a few pictures from the day:

The Gang:  My four plus friend Dakota

Son #3 plus Dakota (eating lunch on the trail)

I love this picture because Baby Girl has the funniest expressing on her face.  They are taking turn drinking water from the water fountain.

The ferns were sprouting their new growth and Baby Girl thought they were so cool, "like little babies, mama!".  She kept stopping to Ohh and Ahh over them and to pet them into existence!

Have a great Friday!!!

Reason 3695 Why We Homeschool…

…we get to do school in our PJ’s on a pillow!

Discovery Place, Charlotte NC

This past Wednesday we took a trip to Charlotte to visit the Discovery Place.  It is an awesome place filled with so many different things.  My kid’s favorite part of the entire trip was the Norman Rockwell exhibit.  They loved (get this!) the old timey telephones!  Rotary dial, no doubt!!!  There were phones scattered throughout the exhibit and you could call from one place to another.  There were also period costumes, artwork, rooms set up in the era.  Very, very cool!  With all the hands on things to do at the Discovery Place I was so surprised the kids liked the Norman Rockwell exhibit as much as they did.  We also got to hold a madagascar hissing cockroach (nope, not me!), a millipede, and look at a tarantula close up…all which were part of the Rain Forest exhibit.

It was very difficult to take photos because the lightening continually changed but I got a few.  Here’s a few from our trip…

Baby girl with one of Norman’s "real life" paintings…

Two of mine and a friend in the Ford from the Rockwell era….

My middle son and daughter in the AIR CHAIR…

And baby girl again checking out this guy’s hiney….(must be the age!)

If you live anywhere close I highly recommend the trip!!!

Mindless Monday

I have a confession to make.  I’d rather take great pictures than Photoshop them afterwards.  Something about the instant gratification of picture taking suits me much better than hours on Photoshop.  I like to vacuum too.  Instant, man, instant!

With that said here is are a few pictures from today.

I call this one “My Contemplative Painter”

Have a great day.

Yesterday's Field Trip

Yesterday we went to one of our favorite spots for a field trip.  My husband went with us which was a treat for me and for the kids.  The day ended up being overcast so the mountain stream was frigid!!  The kids enjoyed getting freezing wet but I think next time I’ll wait for a nice "sun-shiney" day.

This is my good friend’s child Ian with baby girl. I love the expression on baby girl’s face.  She had just put her foot in the water and found out how incredibly cold it was.

Here is my second born…"boys will be boys!"

This is a great shot of baby Ian.  Even he cooperated in this one.

Baby girl…

We were looking for spawning toads which we got to see last year. 
(Spawning toad 2006)

It was incredible to see the toads but this year they weren’t around for us to see so we had to settle for this little guy…

And we tried a family photo….
but the eldest was at the car changing into dry clothes and baby girl just wasn’t happy!
So here’s 5/6 of our family or 2/3 if you count our dog Sparky who was there but also "not pictured"

Have a great day!

President’s Day

Today earned us a much needed break from school.  I still think we should work 4 days and take 3 off.  That just suits my personality so much better than work 5 take 2 off.  Who made that rule?

Anyway…since two of my kids were out of school today the one I homeschool naturally took the day off too.  We enjoyed doing nothing today because tomorrow is a “hit the ground running” kind of day.

Next year I am homeschooling all three boys.  Our two middle boys are enrolled at a local Christian school this year.  I’m looking forward to having next year with them.  I don’t like running in the car all day long.  Dropping off at school, picking up from school and the rest that goes in between ends up with us spending a lot of time in the car.

This year has been a great learning experience for me.  I’ve become a better organized mom.  I plan my days better and I actually create lesson plans. (GASP)  I’ve grown as much as a homeschool mom as my children have as students.  I think I learn as much if not more than they do each year.

I know next year will bring even more challenges while I try to keep three rambunctious boys on task.  Any suggestions????

I tell you all this to lead into these pictures I’ve been waiting to post.  This is what we do when we are not “doing” school.  I did say rambunctious didn’t I??

The Flying Boy…

and the flying girl…

Oh yea!  I’m toast!

Guess what's new at our house?

This week we have gotten two new musical instruments at our house.  One I do not have a photo of yet but the other I do.  My oldest son even brought it to the park today to show one of his friends.  So, since you couldn’t join us for our wonderful, one of a kind, 70 degree day, here’s a snapshot of today.  Hope you all had wonderful weather too!!

Reading Fluency

I wondered if any of you have some suggestions to help with reading fluency or decoding for a 3rd grader.  My son is reading at the 3rd grade level and is doing well but his fluency and rate of speed are quite low which frustrates him.  If you have any tricks that have helped or know of a program that I can use please let me know.


Today is the last day of school for our two children who attend a local Christian school.  Here at home we’ll take a break too.  Ahh….Christmas break.  Shopping is done and so we’ll fill our days with "who knows what".  Hopefully we’ll get some baking in.  It’s nice to know we’ve got several weeks of nothing!
