Not so Freaky Friday Fotos of our Field Trip

Yesterday we took a field trip to Paris Mountain State Park where we did a little hiking.  Here are a few pictures from the day:

The Gang:  My four plus friend Dakota

Son #3 plus Dakota (eating lunch on the trail)

I love this picture because Baby Girl has the funniest expressing on her face.  They are taking turn drinking water from the water fountain.

The ferns were sprouting their new growth and Baby Girl thought they were so cool, "like little babies, mama!".  She kept stopping to Ohh and Ahh over them and to pet them into existence!

Have a great Friday!!!


  1. crazybusy says:

    Hey Julie!

    These are really cute- love that last one. We have tons of ferns like that in this area.

    I use Homeschool Tracker Plus. I can't remember what features Plus has that Basic doesn't but at the time, I thought it was worth the $$. What's nice is they are *constantly* upgrading their program, and once you pay for Plus, you don't pay an extra dime for their upgrades. I've been *very* happy with this program! 🙂

    Love, Alyssa

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