Life before school!

I’m entering a new season of life.

All four of the kids start school in 2 weeks.  We’ve homeschooled since K5 and had some of them in school for one reason or another, but for the majority of our lives we’ve homeschooled.

But this year God had something different in mind.  So I’ve been busy buying school clothing, as they are in private school.  I ordered all the shirts today and know we must go try on pants and shorts.  I’m excited about the good God has planned for my family.  I’m looking forward to a little downtime.  I want to take a photography course.  I want to have lunch with my husband.  I want to spend some time training my brain at LearningRx.  After putting three kids through the program I am ready to be smarter too!!  I promised the results post weeks ago, and it’s coming.  It has just taken longer to put together.

So all you moms out there who are ‘my kids go to school’ veterans do have any advice to offer?  I’m going to have four coming home with homework, football practices and a husband who has to travel at times for his job.

Tips?  Survival tools?  Cool hang outs when your kids are at school?  I’m ready for you to dish!!!


  1. Angela Kelly says:

    Keep a small shoe box size rubbermaid in the car stocked with school supplies… Paper, ruler, markers, sissors, glue, pencils, pens, ect…
    you can get homework finished siting in the car while you are waiting or driving to practices or games.
    Have fun and enjoy the ride!

  2. Wow, guys! Great ideas. I’m looking for a plastic shoebox as we speak. Keep the hint coming!! I need them. So many on FB!!!!

  3. Amy Wilder says:

    So, my kids are not school aged but they do go to daycare (ours is called school care at Covenant Classical). I know your kids are wearing uniforms, so that helps, but I suggest making sure on Sunday afternoon that you have 5 outfits ready to go for the week. Also, run through in your mind what they will eat in the mornings before school. I try to plan all of this out on Sunday afternoon so we are ready for the week. Each night we get home, I reorganize their bag for school for the next day so that I am not running around like crazy in the morning. Maybe the week before school starts, do a couple of “practice” mornings. My biggest challenge is getting out the door with my 3 and 1 year by 7:00-7:15 every morning.
    You are going to love having some time for yourself! Some days I get finished with work early and I do something for myself for 30 minutes-hour before picking the boys up……read a book, get a pedicure, sit in the quiet!!….It really helps to keep me sane, especially the weeks that Bart is traveling for work.
    Good luck!! Love you guys!!

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