
I remember as a child that summers lasted forever.  As an adult it’s quite a different story.  This summer has whizzed by like a rocket ship bound for other planets!!

Sometimes I’d love to grab hold of time and make it stand still for just a day, like those stop motion camera shots you see on TV.

I’d like to sit and exam my life.  Step outside of it and stand there with God and say, “What do I need to change?”  “Where am I wasting time?”  “What needs my attention?”

Are you happy with your life?  Do the days whiz by in a blur?  Some days I feel like the day controls me instead of me controlling my day.

I say to my soul, “Peace.  Be still.”

And I wish my brain and body would follow.  To bask in the stillness of who God is… soak up His love and mercies, to KNOW that He alone is God, to cast all my cares upon Him who loves me so, to leave all that I am in His hands to shape and to mold.”

Share with me.  What do you do to stop the pace of life.  Where is your peaceful place?  How do you find rest in the midst of life.

I’m looking for some answers here!


  1. The ocean. Not the beach for me, but the open ocean. It stops time. Other worldly. Amazed that I’ve gotten to experience it.

  2. I’ll tell you what I just did. I took a 2 and a half day silent spiritual retreat, totally alone. Just me, God, my Bible, a book, and my journal. I had a free place to stay. I didn’t watch tv, check e-mail, or anything. It was like a reset button for my soul. {By the way, this was all strongly suggested by my counselor and so we made it happen.} I’m going to do this now on a semi-regular basis. God and I did some much-needed business together and I have literally come back changed and hopeful. Life is still hard. I am still weary beyond belief. I do the bare minimum. But the time of stillness alone was absolutely needed. I highly suggest it.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. I guess you saw what I do to recharge there :-). Love the picture of your little princess!

  4. Cathy Schoenborn says:

    I know your struggle. Here I have these gifts (children) and I’m so busy cleaning the house or even gardening (which I love) or watching for the safety of my littlest one, I miss enjoying them (the children). I think the prayer, “Peace. Be still my soul,” is a great prayer. When you realize what our Savior wants of you and the peace He gives to you, all the hustle and have to’s of the world slowly cease.

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